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LA Patala, Reign of the Nagas


"With a slight breath of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the Yavanas and Devatas became lords of the monkey people. When these beings left the world the monkey people found themselves in control, until the emergence of another divine race, the Nagas. As Kaa hypnotized the monkeys in Kipling's Jungle Book, the Nagas mesmerized the Bandar and Vanaras and claimed rulership over the nation." – Illwinter

In the dense forests of the Bandar realm, apes of uncanny brightness have emerged. Under the influence of semi-divine beings, the apes evolved intelligence and culture. When the former rulers of Bandar Log returned to their Celestial Realms, the apes were left without leadership and innovation in the nation ground to a halt. A warlike hierarchical society was formed with the large Bandar apes at the top. Later, Nagas arrived from the Nether Realm of Patala, from where all rivers spring. The Nagas are divine beings of the Underworld and its rivers and are to the apes what the Yakshas had been in ages past. With mesmerizing stares and dancing serpentine bodies, they entranced the Bandar Log and claimed their empire as their own. Patala is a divided society. Small Markatas are at the bottom of the society. Vanara apes of human size are the most common. Large Bandar apes rule most of the society and form the military. Above all are the sacred Nagas and their kings.

Patala has numerous references to real life. Several prominent Hindu dynasties in India, mainly in the east and the south, claimed descent from Naga kings. The Nagas' position in the caste system mirrors how groups who invaded India, notably the Turkic Muslim conquerors, would typically set themselves atop the caste system even without converting to Hinduism. Lastly, Patala itself is the foundation that earthly reality rests upon in Hinduism, with the Nagas residing in its very bottom.


Patala is the last stop for Monkey civilization. In the Early Age, you had Kailasa (a Yaksha state with awe-inspired tribal monkeys) and Lanka (a Rakshasa state exacting tribute from monkey kingdoms) duking it out. In the Middle Age, you had an empire of monkeys. Now in the Late Age, you have a kingdom of Nagas – and for better or for worse, the monkeys are back to being pawns under the Sun.

In a way, Patala is somewhere between the Bandar Log and Kailasa. The troop quality hasn't changed much from the Bandar Log's, other than the capital-only elite being an infantryman once again, which (relatively-speaking) brings its situation back in-line with Kailasa's; there's an exception, however, in that you no longer have access to any-province Sacreds. Gone are the astral 44's and nature 33's, but the water 44's and earth 44's have returned; in fact, those mages are now better than they were in Kailasa, because they have guaranteed access to your Communions. That doesn't even mention their relative bulk, or how some of them are Seducers.

Patala has both Lanka's and Kailasa's summon lists, but it now lacks access to the Celestial Music, so there's a bit less of a reason to use the latter. On that note, Patala's Sacred elites are cold-blooded magic beings, making pushing your hot Dominion and watching out for Astral counters (Moon Blades and Opposition and whatnot) extra-important.

National Features

Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Prefers Heat +2
Likes Forests
White Ones:
Base 1 Protection
+1 MR vs. Humans
Might Reincarnate
Bandar Apes:
Size 3
Base 3 Protection
+8 HP vs. Humans
+5 STR vs. Humans
+2 MOR vs. Humans
+1 ATT vs. Humans
-1 DEF & PRE vs. Humans
-2 MM & MR vs. Humans
Vanara Monkeys:
Base 1 Protection
-2 MR & MOR vs. Humans
Markata Monkeys:
Size 1
+4 DEF & CS vs. Humans
-2 PRE vs. Humans
-3 MR & MOR vs. Humans
-5 HP & STR vs. Humans
Just Won't Sit Still
Like Caves
Size 3
+6 HP vs. Humans
+3 MR vs. Humans
+2 STR vs. Humans
+1 MOR & DEF vs. Humans
Base 5 Protection
Can Fight Underwater
Hate Cold Scales
Varied Ranged Weapons
(less good in high-PROT LA)
War Elephants
Some Stealthy Troops
Naga Sacreds
water 44 (rare 5)
earth 44 (rare 5)
astral 22 (rare 3)
nature 22 (rare 3)

water 44 (rare 5) (req. nature 22water 11)
earth 44 (rare 5) (req. nature 22earth 11)
air 22 (req. astral 33)
fire 33air 33death 33 (req. astral 55)
Average (holy 22)
holy 22 (req. astral 33)
holy 33 (req. astral 44)
holy 44 (req. astral 55)

Reincarnation gives your White Ones a chance to return from death WITHIN YOUR DOMINION, if their Experience is high, but they won't return as their original form if their kill count is too high; they'll appear as a Bandar instead, though those who don't kill still have a roughly 25% chance to come back as a Markata or (if not a Commander) a regular Vanara. White Ones (typically those with extra-high Experience) might achieve Moksha instead, adding a Dominion candle somewhere and occasionally boosting your Pretender's Magic; the Magic-boost only happens in paths that the deceased Commander has, and will not happen if the Pretender's level in that path is the same or higher.

Capital Special Sites

Patala The Jeweled City
Enables recruitment of Naga
Enables recruitment of Naga Warrior
Produces 1earthgem per turn
Produces 2watergem per turn
Enables recruitment of Nagaraja
Enables recruitment of Nagarishi
Enables recruitment of Nagini
Produces 1astralpearl per turn

National Units

You unit lineup is mostly made up of animals with below average Magic Resistance and Morale. Your troops are very likely to succumb to fear spells or fail to resist Charm Animal.



Img Unit Name Abilities Comments
Markata Scout
Stealthy (60)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Your cheap fort scout.
Atavi Chieftain
+Forest Rec
Stealthy (40)
Forest Survival
A more expensive scout and is a leader of light Atavi raid parties.
A stealthy army commander that can be recruited from any forest is useful.
Vanara Captain
Forest Survival
Your better 60ld choice.
Bandar Commander
Forest Survival
An 80Ld commander. More expensive but gives that +1 morale boost for the monkeys who could really use it.
Gold 45
holy 11 Sacred
Forest Survival
Your temple builders, and blesser of your sacred mages and Naga troops when you don't want the naga mages waste their spell casting time.
Gold 55
astral 11 7
Forest Survival
Literal research monkeys.
Most gold efficient mage in every way, good at research, communions, and turbo communions.
Extremely useful Suicide monkey with Magic Duel with how many mages in LA have a path in astral.
Gold 160
astral 22nature 11 11
Forest Survival
Supply Bonus(10)
An out the box Mind Burner, in addition to being a recruit anywhere communion master, and a cheap way to add nature to them.
Also, your best recruitable mage when it comes to summoning your national summon with boosters.
They can make up the bulk of your communions as slaves and masters.
Naga Chief
Gold 55
Cave Rec Only
Resist Poison(10)
Exists if you want to lead an expedition underwater and had found a cave, so you recruit him from the cave instead of wasting cap turns.

Gold 175
Capital Only
water 22earth 11nature 11holy 22 13
Resist Poison(10)
Supply Bonus(10)
It took TWO alien invasions to give the monkeys recruitable holy 22's. Isn't that interesting?
Anyway, this is your uber-leader; 80 points, magic, and Sermon of Courage. As he can do anything, he's not cheap.
He has 120 points in his Ghandarva form, and a total of 45 HP due to how Shapechanging works, but he also has -water 11 in it. That means no Quickness-, Cold Resistance-, or Fire Resistance-applying without some extra investment. On the other hand, the Ghandarva form can wear Earth Boots for earth 22, which offers its own options.
He's also not Amphibious as a Ghandarva, so you can't bring an extra forty Nagas into the ocean with him (again, without investment).

Gold 235
Capital Only
water 22earth 11nature 11holy 11random1100% 15
Resist Poison(10)
Supply Bonus(10)
Stealth(40; Second shape only)
seduction(Moral vs 9; Second shape only )
Your dedicated but still expensive mage for more diverse paths outside of astral communion spam.
Your mass-produced Big Water, Earth, and Nature casters and Forgers (when given boosters, or random astral to contribute in communions).
A trait you should not forget is her Second shape human form, not only can wear Earth boots for boosting but also is a stealthy seducer. not only giving you an element of unpredictable mages but also (though expensive) and Assassin when needed with the paths to dual other strong mages, Able to cast Swarm, Howl, and elementals, or even just outright steal the command if you get lucky.

Gold 390
Capital Only
water 33earth 33astral 11nature 11holy 11random1100%
Resist Poison(10)
Supply Bonus(10)
Patala has LEVEL NINE MAGES (ten if you count the Priest level), in the Age where most cap at six.
That power is costly and somewhat slow to gather, however, at least when compared to the Naginis.
You don't need to queue a Nagarishi every single turn, but they're invaluable forgers and incredibly powerful Communion Masters. Big Earth and Water spells are at their fingertips, as are most of the nation's path boosters and unique items.



Img Unit Name Abilities Comments
+Forest Rec
Forest Survival
Highly massable ultra light undisciplined infantry. Can use sticks and stones attack vs very low armor units. Low MR and morale.
Despite deficiencies, their best job is lance catching and holding up enemies as 6 Def Skill 14 per square is hard to hit.
Markata Archer
+Forest Rec
One of the cheapest short bow units in the game, but has abysmal strength which affects short bow damage.
Atavi Archer
+Forest Rec
Stealthy (40)
Forest Survival
Stealthy. Very cheap short bow to mass, but low morale and MR.
Atavi Infantry
+Forest Rec
Can function as a stealthy raider or mass stone throwing if fighting a very low protection adversary. Has low morale and MR.
Light Bandar Archer
Forest Survival
No armor but high HP and STR. The high strength gives this unit a very damaging longbow attack. The light Bandar archer will struggle if it is trading fire with other archers due to no armor.
The armored version takes hits fair but it doesn't do better against crossbows bolts.
In the early game, Light vs late age crossbows, armored when facing only bowmen. Many mid to late-game AOE spells bypass most protection, so Light is your better investment in most matchups.
Bandar Archer
Vanara Archer
Forest Survival
Professional Monkey with a shortbow and a iron hat. Situational in mid game for higher resources when you need mass archers but also enemy is casting head shot spell like Rain of Stones.
Vanara Chakram Thrower
The Chakram is a "side-grade" to the Javelin, doing 2 more damage and being more accurate in exchange for being Slashing instead of Piercing. Against higher-Protection foes (15 or greater) the Javelin is more effective at dealing any damage, but it's not like you have Javelins.
Vanara Infantry
Cheap chaff of the somewhat-reusable variety, at least far more resistant to area-of-effect Evocations than the Markata. Having armor to go with their tiny shield helps against Crossbows, too, and they have enough combined protection to tank shots if their tiny shield catches them.
Vanara Swordsman
Patala's best troops of human-like attack density, boasting the same accuracy as the Bandar. These are NOT spammable, however, at least relative to other Vanara. You may find these tougher to amass than the Bandar outside your capital, especially without Order Scales.
Light Bandar Warrior
Forest Survival
Even the lowliest melee Bandar can be a fearsome opponent.
It should be noted that every melee Bandar has a "Sticks and Stones" ranged attack, a "side-grade" to the Javelin that attacks twice in exchange for doing 5 less damage (each attack) and being Blunt instead of Piercing. A square of Bandar is a bit more effective at range than a square of human Javelinists, getting an additional attack that does roughly the same damage (against unarmored foes) in exchange for a 1-point Precision drop. Whether or not this still works against other nations' chaff is another matter, though, at least in the Late Ages.
As for the melee options, the Light and regular Macemen deal the same damage, with the Light one arriving to the frontlines quicker while having much less protection (although the lack of a helm is much less relevant against size 1 troops, such as Vaetti Berserkers). The Cudglers deal about 5 more damage per strike, but lack any sort of parry. Only the Cudglers deal more damage-per-turn as a square than the Vanara Swordsmen, but all Bandar are easier to get in quantity.
Bandar Warrior
Bandar Warrior
War Elephant
Forest Survival
Remember: if all other expansion routes fail, Patala still has Size 6 Tramplers. Patala also has many spells that keep them relevant, among them Body Ethereal, Quickness, and Regeneration. You can eventually secure casters of Gift of Flight to let them terrorize your foes' squishy mages, too.
Gold 20
Capital and Cave Rec Only
Resist Poison(10)
Nagas aren't very strong, but they "cheat" against foes; if their melee opponent isn't Mindless, they'll stun them as their first attack of the turn. This goes against Magic Resistance only; since the attacker always wins ties against MR, this skill is fairly reliable against most human foes, and can practically "stun-lock" the extra-vulnerable. Such tactics are somewhat hampered against Ulmers by the Naga's size, but can be quite effective against large Animals and summoned Giants. They also have two damaging melee attacks, one of which also deals Poison Damage, and a low-range Spit attack that applies Poison scaling off the Naga's strength.
In a way, your naked Nagas resemble the Guhyakas of times gone by, but they're far less available; only caves have them, your underground paradise in the capital included. If you're playing on a map with underwater caves (such as a MapNuke one), you can find Nagas in those places too.
Naga Warrior
Gold 27
Capital Only
These guys are Patala's heaviest troops, so heavy that they move only half as fast as their naked kin. They're so slow that they might not even get to use their Poison Spit for a bit, since that has a capped range of 10 squares.
They still have two melee attacks (three with the stunning), but their 9 Encumbrance means they'll tire out fairly quickly; their attack and defence skills will reduce to mediocre levels in two or three rounds, and that's pretty risky when you factor in their unprotected heads and critical hits.
Aside from the slowness and the burnout, Naga Warriors are competent beings; their main attack does at least as much damage as the Bandar Macemen, and their second attack can poison even through moderately-heavy armor, giving it utility against the heavier chaff human nations tend to boast in the Late Ages. Just don't fight out in Cold temperatures; Cold 1 gives them 13 Encumbrance, Cold 2 gives them 16, and Cold 3 gives them 19 (making them pass out in six consecutive rounds of attacking).


Research Piorities

Your Nagas could really use Relief, while your Monkeys could really use Antimagic. Aside from that, Not-Lola's Magic Use Guide is a decent starting point.

National Spells

National Summons

animals Summons: Spend nature gems for animal chaff with big hp pools but low MR. Nature gems are desperately needed elsewhere. Only used when Desperate for bodies.

  • Herd of Elephants Conj 3, nature 22, 25naturegem. (Elephant x5+[1/2lv]) Biggest HP pool.
  • Ambush of Tigers Conj 3, nature 22, 10naturegem. (Tiger x5+[1/2lv]): as multiple attacks
  • Herd of Buffaloes Conj 3, nature 22, 10naturegem. (Buffalo x5+[1/2lv]): Traplers that never retreat.
  • Host of Ganas: Conj 2 death 11 for 12deathgem. ( Ganax20). These Ghost monkeys are very mage turn efficient units to mass, costing 0.6deathgem per Gana. They are perhaps most notable for having magic weapons and being ethereal. Not inflicting a tremendous amount of damage themselves can be a very effective screen vs. units with no magic weapons. Being ethereal and having a shield, they are also effective vs. archers.
  • Summon Vetalas: Conj 5 death 22 for 10deathgem. ( Possessed Corpse, Vetalax10). Cheap death summons with a second ethereal form that has an armor-piercing life drain attack as well as an attack that feebleminds the target. Like all wounded shape troops that survive, the unit will revert to the first form after the battle. Notably, Well protected with the first form has some armor and a buckler while the second form is ethereal.

Sacred Summons:

  • Summon Apsaras Conj 3, astral 22, 2astralpearl. ( Apsarax3). Has high protection from melee but none for Ranged. It provides extra moral to units, so the troops are less likely to run.
  • Contact Yaksha Conj 4, nature 22earth 11, 25naturegem. ( Yakshax1) Spend Nature gems to summon one of your strong cap only mages.
  • Contact Yakshini Conj 4, nature 22water 11, 25naturegem. ( Yakshinix1). Spend Nature gems to summon one of your strong cap only mages.
  • Summon Gandharvas Conj 5, astral 22, 18astralpearl. ( Gandharvax6). A combination of a Yavana and an Apsara but also wears full armor. A Fantastic Elite unit you will sadly only get limited quantities of.
  • Summon Kinnara Conj 6, astral 33, 25astralpearl. ( Kinnarax1) A flying and Inspirational air 22astral 22holy 22 commander. Having Thunderstrike that can quicly be anywhere is a good thing, especlay when they can communion up for high air magic.
  • Summon Siddha Conj 7, astral 44, 35astralpearl. ( Siddhax1). A Four hand slot air 22astral 33holy 33 Teleporter. It has bad melee stats, unlike Devata(below), and only one Misc slot, but you can do many things with the ability to be anywhere. Can claim Thrones, especially if you plan to rush.
  • Summon Devata Conj 8, astral 55, 45astralpearl. (1x Devata) A better thug chassis and a great army leader. It loses a Misc slot, but there are many shenanigans you can do with 4 hands. Not a teleporter like the Siddha but can still Cloud Trapeze.
  • Summon Devala Conj 9, astral 55, 55astralpearl. (1x Devala). A Fanaticism caster and passivly spread your dominon.
  • Summon Rudra Conj 9, astral 55, 55astralpearl. (1x Rudra). The National Super thug. It starts with ok gear and gets stronger if a storm is up. They will Break you into fire 33air 33death 33 and their cross paths in and out of labs. Anyone that experienced a Cloud Trapezeing Yomi Dai Oni would understand how good a thug a Rudra is.


After Lanka fell, the monkeys keep their blood arts just in case. Some Good summons but you are not a native blood nation, so this is a side path, diverting resources from the nation's main strengths in hopes of more late-game diversity, assuming your opponents don't take advantage of the power lag caused by this major diversion. This is research path is best made before pretender design. LA's large population makes it easier for non-blood mages to collect slaves but Patala does also want usable spells right away to stay comparative with the ages improved infantry.

  • Summon Rakshasas: Blood 1 blood 11 for 10bloodslave. ( Rakshasax3). Like your other national Demon apes, they are Sacred with Chaos Power, Vulnerable to Fire. The Rakshasa is available very early (blood 1) and has two claw attacks but quite low protection. In turmoil 3, it will hit twice for 22 damage with 16 attack skill. When attack density is needed over raw damage, they might be preferable to Rakshasa Warriors. They also have quite high HP pools at 28.
  • Feast of Flesh: Blood 2 blood 11nature 11 for 50bloodslave. ( Praghasax15). The Praghasa is very similar to the rakshasa but is more mage turn efficient to summon and has notably more HP (35). This unit is the most efficient way to turn blood slaves into sacred HP in Lanka. So while it has higher strength and HP than the Rakshasa, it gives up its two attacks in favor of a single mace attack.
  • Summon Asrapas: Blood 3 blood 22 for 11bloodslave. ( Asrapax3) Asrapas are quite cheap compared to other Lankan summonses. While having no protection, they have rather good attack and defense stats and a built-in life-draining magic weapon as well as a kick. This gives asrapa better attack density than other Lankan summonses. Once berserk, in turmoil 3, their athame will be 20 attacks and 23 magic damage, and their kick will be 18 attacks and 19 damage. They also do no have fire vulnerability, unlike most Lankan demons. Asrapas can also be gift of reasoned to be turned into commanders, at which point they gain a Hidden blood 11holy 11; pretty good for a nation that otherwise lacks Blood mages, but rather expensive.
  • Summon Rakshasa Warriors: Blood 4 blood 22 for 25bloodslave. ( Rakshasa Warriorx5). The Rakshasa warrior is the middle ground between the expensive, well-equipped elite summons and cheap, poorly equipped summons. Costing only 5 slaves per unit yet still having decent armor and a high damage two-handed cudgel, the Rakshasa Warrior a very compelling middle-of-the-road option for trade-offs between quality and price.
  • Summon Sandhyabalas: Blood 5 blood 22death 11 for 33bloodslave. ( Sandhyabalax3) Some of Lanka's most expensive elite heavy infantry. Sandhyabalas carry a Moonblade and a buckler but have no helmet. They do have phenomenal stats in turmoil and darkness: Their moon blade will do 32 magic damage with 20 attacks (64 damage vs. magic beings!) while they sport an impressive 17 defense. If their enemy also has the darkness penalty, the stat difference can become huge. While very strong, they are much more expensive than other Lankan summons and more vulnerable to fire (10).
  • Summon Dakini: Blood 6 blood 44air 11 for 81bloodslave. ( Dakinix1) air 33death 11blood 33holy 22 Sacred. Demon. Chaos Power 1. Damage Reversal. Fear 6. Flying. Shock Resistance 5. The Dakini is very competent in the roles of a thug, air mage, or blood mage. Like a thug, damage reversal will block and reflect all damage if the enemy fails an MR check. This is notable for both reducing incoming damage and potentially killing high-value targets such as mages. They are also competent sabbath masters.
  • Summon Samanishada: Blood 7 blood 33death 11 for 35bloodslave. ( Samanishadax1). Sacred. Demon. Assassin. Chaos Power 1. Dark Power 2. Fire Vulnerability 10. The Samanishada is a competent assassin having a Moon Blade and a Duskdagger (usually costing 5deathgem10astralpearl to forge) along with an excellent stat melee stat line. Dark power is of special importance if the battle happens at night (50% chance). While quite effective without gear vs. simple targets, higher-value targets will often require items to assist in successful assassinations.
  • Summon Mandeha: Blood 8 blood 55death 22 for 133bloodslave. ( Mandehax1) air 33death 33blood 22holy 33 Sacred. Demon. Chaos Power 2. Dark Power 3. Sleep Aura. Flying. Autocasts Darkness at the start of combat. Fear 8. Fire Vulnerability 10. The Mandeha is a supercombatant-tier summon having 65 hp, a great stat line (especially in turmoil and darkness), and many SC supporting abilities. The Mandeha is also excellent at supporting undead and demon armies by auto-casting darkness every fight. Having H3, it is also able to divine blessing large sacred demon armies and claim thrones. It is, however, vulnerable to anti-demon weapons and spells.
  • Summon Danavas: Blood 8 blood 55 for 75bloodslave( Danavax3). They are Sacred Demons with Fear 5, Ambidextrous 8. Danava is top tier units which can be turned into commanders with Gift of Reason or Divine Name to gain magic paths holy 22random250%
    paths. By default, they have 3 unholy weapons which paralyze sacreds and poor armor with a weak shield. As units, they are relatively cheap anti-elite units. If turned into a commander and kitted properly, they become much more durable and become a super combatant.

Magic Access

Patala has effectively four paths, despite what its national summons might say:

  • Water is the primary path of the Nagas, in terms of Gem income and paths. You'll eventually get a Nagarishi with water 44, while your Naginis might have water 33 and your Nagaraja commanders have water 22. On the other hand, the high Water access is tied with the Nagas' higher-HP form; if you want your Nagas to last the longest in battle, you'll have them start out in their lower-HP form, which doesn't get the +water 11 pathboost. Regardless, Patala can easily reach water 66 through boosters, without even looking at a Queen of Elemental Water.
  • Earth is the primary path of the Nagas when they're not in Naga form, if only because you'll eventually get a Nagarishi with earth 44. With the Earth Boots in their non-Naga form, that Nagarishi can uplift you to earth 55 on its own. That's your ceiling, unfortunately, as no King of Elemental Earth will wear shoes.
  • Astral is the primary path of the White Ones, also known as your only Mages outside the capital. Your Gurus have astral 22; take it or leave it. Fortunately, you'll eventually get a Nagarishi with earth 33astral 22 who can forge the Crystal Coin, allowing your Monkeys (or that Nagarishi) with the Starshine Skullcap to reach astral 44. This is a rather-significant upgrade from Kailasa.
  • Nature is nobody's favorite magic path in the Empire of animal-people, ironically. You'll eventually get a Nagini or a Nagarishi with nature 22, who will be able to craft the Thistle Mace; said Nagarishi will have astral 11nature 22, to be specific, and can use the Mace to craft the Moonvine Bracelet for a grand total of nature 44. You're just short of Mother Oak, unfortunately, when you really want Nature Gems for getting real Yakshas and Yakshinis (other pretty-good Elemental Mages).

We can now go over the national summons. If you have the patience to reach astral 33, you can then summon a Kinnara for air 22. If you have the patience to reach astral 44, you can summon Siddhas somewhat late in the game to climb the Astral ladder another level, and then your astral 55 can summon a Rudra for fire 33air 33death 33. Your astral 55 can also summon holy 44's who spread Dominion and raise local Magic Scales.

Combat Magic

Communions are your bread-and-butter; even if you can't get your Nagarishis to the battlefield in time, your Gurus are still serviceable Masters, casting Swarm, Howl, Enslave Mind, and Mind Burn. Both your Gurus and your Yogis are usable as Slaves; the Yogis are far cheaper, but they take the same amount of time to amass and are ultimately easier to burn out. Neither monkey mage handles Naga Masters super well, or at least their Water and Earth magic, but both have a chance to be recycled thanks to the Reincarnation trait.

You have mighty Earth and Water even without Communions, though, and even your astral 11's can point-buff on their own if you're in a rush.

Ritual Magic

Having a strong earth and Water Access makes Summoning the respective Elemental Royalty easy.

Forest Troll Tribe and Contact Naiad improves your magic, with Troll Shamans dipping you into Death and Naiads can get you into nature 55.

Could craft Golem as a hard to kill thugs.

Magic Items

National Items

  • Headdress of the Bull: Construction 4 5naturegem nature 11. Grant the user +2 strength and a retinue of a Buffalo. Great on a mage as the Buffalos can buy time for the caster and run over any would-be assassin's retinue.
  • Vajra: 10astralpearl astral 22. Shock Damage weapon that can be made by an astral mage. Adds armor ignoring damage on a thug, and even if not a melee guy, a mage can benefit by the Resist Shock(10) and be able to cast Lightning Bolt.


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

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patala-la.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 05:09 by johnnydown