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MA Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun


When Nazca was released in a patch for Dominions 4 it had already been on the drawing board for a long time. I really like the necrocratic concept where mummified ancestors have a position of influence in society. A kingdom forced to expand with every generation as previous kings and nobles keeps their conquered lands even after death. A kingdom slowly going bankrupt as stipends to dead ancestors keeps piling up.

The first ideas on Nazca were just speculations [on] how I wanted a Caelian splinter kingdom to be, but when I got the idea of an Inca setting for the new nation it stuck. I started to research Andean concepts and cultural history and was intrigued by mummy bundles, moieties, geoglyphs and necrocratic practices. I have no clear idea of the end of the Nazca saga, so there is room for a possible late era version in a future iteration of Dominions. – Illwinter

Nazca is a mountain necrocracy of winged humanoids. It was once a far off Caelian colony, but with the fall of the Raptors and the disappearance of the Eagle Kings contact with Caelum was broken and the descendants of the Eagle Kings became Nazcan Sun Kings, Incas. With the demise of the last Eagle Kings steps were taken to preserve the wisdom of the kings of old. The necromantic practices of the Raptor Clan were not banned in Nazca and the divine kings were mummified and preserved, should their advice be needed in the future. Priests of the dead began to mummify other influential members of society as well. Since old kings and queens were supposed to be wiser than the living, a council of mummies was formed to aid and guide the Incas. The priests would listen to the mummies and divine their will. Now Nazca has turned into a necrocracy, a kingdom ruled by mummies of the silent council. The Sun Kings rule in their name, but it is the mummies of ancient kings and their interpreters who have the true power in the kingdom. The mummies of nobles and priests are transported to and fro to decide in judicial matters as well as to attend feasts and ceremonies. The royal mummies are too valuable to disturb unless the matters at hand are of utmost importance. The ice crafting of Caelum has been lost and Nazca use light armors of cloth and bronze. The Nazcans can field vast armies of unskilled soldiers. Commoners indebted to the mummies, allied soldiers from conquered human mountain kingdoms, and walking dead reanimated by the mummies of dead priests form most of the armies of the kingdom.

General Overview

Nazca has flying troops, strong Death and Air mages, mages that turn into stronger undead mages when they die, mass freespawning flying slaves, reanimation priests and recruitable innate spellcasters. Nazca can quickly become overpowering and grow stronger as research goals are reached.

Nazca's undead mages still cost a fair amount each month so you will be tight on gold. Powerful nations naturally get a large diplomacy penalty with other players, usually people will tend to form a coalition against you before your snowball becomes unstoppable. Expanding with Nazca can be difficult, as their sacred troops are fragile. A good bless benefits your sacred troops and summons, but good scales make it easier to expand. Nazca is a tricky nation to play early in the game but they can become very powerful in the mid-late game.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Cold Resistant
Commanders Mummified on death
Prefers Cold 1
Cheap flying troops
Slave Levies
Reanimated dead
earth 22 (rare 3)
astral 22 (rare 3)
death 22 (rare 3)
air 22 (rare 3)
fire 22 (rare 3)
nature 11 (off-fort)
holy 33 Capital Only
holy 22 in Forts
Reanimator Priests
Heretic Foreign Recruits
Primitive forts

Capital Special Sites

FIXME Add sites!


General description of the units in the nations rooster, any standouts, shared qualities aka temperature, any foreign rec, what makes a good basis to plan around


These are the traits of the three broad groups in the Nazcan lineup. Some particularly significant traits have been left in the table for ease of reference.

Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Gold 25
Stealthy (55) A cheap flying scout, much better than what most nations get.
Gold 30
+ Highlands & Mountain Rec
A 60 leadership human commander. One of the starting commanders, alongside a Runancha.
Gold 40
Mummify (Mallqui) Flying leader with 60 leadership.
Gold 70
Mummify (Mallqui) Flying leader with 80 leadership.
Gold 140
Slaver (Hatun Runa)
The mummy generated from dead Apus and Apusqipays. Can generate flying chaff that is particularly good at sieging and patrolling.
Gold 100
fire 11air 11holy 11 9
Mummify (Mallqui Priestess)
A good research chaff unit.
Mallqui Priestess
Gold 175
fire 11air 11holy 11 9
Inspirational (1)
Reanimator Priest
Reanimation Bonus (1/1)
Innate Spellcaster (1)
Fortune Teller (10%)
The mummy generated from dead Acllas. Can do priestly reanimation.
Hurin Priest
Gold 235
earth 11death 22holy 22random1100% 13
Mummify (Mallqui Priest)
A good mage with native death 22.
Mallqui Priest
Gold 350
earth 11death 22holy 22random1100% 13
Inspirational (1)
Reanimator Priest
Reanimation Bonus (2/2)
Innate Spellcaster (1)
Fortune Teller (10%)
The mummy generated by dead Hurins. Can reanimate the dead.
Gold 290
Capital Only
fire 22air 22holy 33random010% 13
Shock Resistance (10)
Awe (1)
Mummify (Royal Mallqui)
Mummify Partner (Coya)
Storm Immunity
A slow-to-recruit mage with fire 22air 22holy 33. If they die, a Coya will also be sacrificed so their mummies can combine into a Royal Mallqui with fire 22air 22earth 22astral 22death 22holy 33. This sacrifice can be avoided by simply not recruiting Coyas; this way, an Inca will become a Royal Mallqui without costing you a second mage.
Gold 325
Capital Only
earth 22astral 22death 22holy 22random030% 17
Mummify (Royal Mallqui)
Mummify Partner (Inca)
A slow-to-recruit mage with earth 22astral 22death 22holy 22. If they die, an Inca will also be sacrificed so their mummies can combine into a Royal Mallqui with fire 22air 22earth 22astral 22death 22holy 33. This sacrifice can be avoided by simply not recruiting Incas; this way, an Coya will become a Royal Mallqui without costing you a second mage.
Coyas also have the most magical depth of Nazca's mages, with a 6% chance of having earth 33, astral 33, or death 33.
Royal Mallqui
Gold 850
Capital Only
fire 22air 22earth 22astral 22
death 22holy 33random010% 25
Inspirational (2)
Reanimator Priest
Reanimation Bonus (3/3)
Innate Spellcaster (2)
Fortune Teller (15%)
Slaver (Hatun Runa)
Extremely powerful and extremely expensive mage. Oddly requires only 2 CP to recruit, despite being far more powerful than Nazca's other capital-only mages. Created when a dead Inca and Coya are mummified. holy 33 means it can claim thrones, plus it has a ton of paths and is a good candidate for a communion leader. Can also reanimate the dead and create Supayas.

The following mages may only be recruited outside of forts. They both have the following traits:

Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Paqo of the Earth Mother
Gold 95
Highlands & Mountain Rec Only
earth 11nature 11 5
Fortune Teller (10%)
Foreign recruit mages from mountains and highlands. No need to rely on finding indie nature mages. Can also tend diseased units.
Paqo of the Mountain Spirits
Gold 105
Highlands & Mountain Rec Only
air 11nature 11 5
Shock Resistance (15)
Bringer of Fortune (1)


Nazca's troop lineup is mostly flying units, with some cheap human chaff.

Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Hatun Runa
Gold 5
Slave Nazca's slave unit. You collect these units with certain mummy leaders. They have low morale and none of your troops really have a high taskmaster value, so these guys will rout pretty easily and fly away.
Human Warrior
Gold 7
+ Mountain Rec
Nazca's only non-flying infantry options are undisciplined, but these troops can be useful for expansion since flying troops are pretty fragile for their cost.

Human Warrior
Human Warrior
Human Warrior
Gold 8
+ Mountain Rec
Human chaff.

Aucac Runa Spearman
Aucac Runa Maceman
Aucac Runa Axeman
Gold 10
Flying light infantry.
Aucac Runa Archer
Gold 10
Flying archers have their uses.
Condor Warrior
Gold 20
Capital Only
Storm Immunity
One of your sacred options. Gets a lance charge for its first hit but is not very well protected.
Sun Guard
Gold 23
Capital Only
Bodyguard (2)
Your second sacred option. Does triple damage to undead units (useful for countering undead thugs and SCs). Better armored than the Condor Warrior.


FIXME What heroes does Nazca have?


Magic Access

This section is the longer version of the 'Magic Access' column in National Features. List which paths the nation has access to, what level in each path and the maximum level attainable with common boosters. Avoid discussing in too much depth as much of the information is already covered in MelficeBelmont's Boosting and Access Guide. The length of this section will vary greatly depending on the nation, and does not have to be formatted in the same way as the example below. Some explanation may be required for more complicated boosting methods (e.g. commanderifying a unit with hidden paths). What exactly these paths can be used for can largely be explained in later sections, but pointing out good crosspaths works well in this section too. Mention communion access if applicable.

National Spells & Summons

  • Summon Condors: Conjuration 3, 9airgem air 22 ( Condor x10+)
  • Summon Supayas: Conjuration 5, 10deathgem death 22 ( Supaya x5):
  • Summon Huacas: Conjuration 5, 15astralpearl astral 22 ( Huaca x5)
  • Eyes of the Condors: Enchantment 2, 1airgem air 22.
  • Geoglyphs: Enchantment 5, 18airgem astral 33earth 22.

Nasca's sacred condor summons are extremely strong. They fly, they have 2 attacks, they siege forts extremely well, and you can summon a pile of them if you have a mage with high air paths. For this reason many people take an inanimate pretender with high air paths.

Notable Generic Magic

Discuss the top few generic spells that most increase a nation's combat power or synergize with national strategies. These will generally be early-to-mid game spells since individual spells matter much more during those periods of the game. Some examples are Foul Vapors for MA C'tis, Horde of Skeletons + Sabbath Master/Sabbath Slave for the Niefelheim line of nations, Mother Oak for the Pangaeas, Wailing Winds access, etc. For broader advice on magic use, link to Not-Lola's Basic Magic Use Guide.

This is also a good place to point out notable magic weaknesses, such as a lack of nature access making a nation vulnerable to Foul Vapors.

Magic Items

List and describe any unique national items or discounts in this section, discuss and compare with similar generic items. Also discuss generic items that are useful and accessible for the nation. These may include:

  • Thug gear (if the nation has good thugs)
  • Research boosters (particularly if the nation needs help researching or is already very good at researching)
  • Other items that synergize with the nation (e.g. Dwarven Hammers for MA Ulm)

National Items

  • Huaca Headdress: Used to boost Supaya summoning, or for better generals.


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Nazca benefits greatly from an inanimate pretender with high air paths. This allows you to research conjuration early and summon a ton of condors with the air path bonus.

This means you are stuck with an awake immobile pretender, and Nazca has a really hard time expanding. Your flying troops (and flying sacreds) are fragile, and your human troops are undisciplined. As a result, your expansion will be pretty horrible. The early game is when Nazca is weakest, so expect your neighbors to capitalize on this.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

See More

nazca-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:49 by johnnydown