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MA Abysia, Blood and Fire


Abysia does not have any clear inspirational sources. Malign devil-worshiping empires of the fantasy genre combined with some ancient Middle Eastern concepts, perhaps. Think of great temple ziggurats adorned with ever-burning braziers fed with still-beating hearts in pompous ceremonies, witnessed by a cowed populace of slaves and smoldering Abysian rulers. Imagine magma-lit caverns filled with screams, roars, and fleeting shadows. With blood sacrifices being part of the official state cult it might be considered an evil nation, but it is sprung from elemental forces, and only under infernal influence‒ and ignorance‒does the kingdom turn to evil. It is a tragic nation with a proud heritage, and dilution of their magic - perhaps due to temptation by infernal forces - leads it to embrace blood sacrifice. -Illwinter

Abysia is a hot wasteland, at the center of which lies a great volcano whose lava-lit caverns are inhabited by magma-born humanoids. Their flesh radiates heat and they are not harmed by flames. Abysians are stronger than humans and prefer heavy armor and weaponry. Bows are not used, as they would burn to cinders in the glowing hands of the Abysians. The war machine of Abysia also includes salamanders, lizard-like beings composed of the same hot lava-born flesh as the Abysians. Abysian Warlocks are mighty Blood mages and skilled crossbreeders. The Anathemant Priests of the Flame Cult practice blood sacrifice to strengthen the power of the Awakening God. Abysians prefer to live in extremely hot places. They do not farm or hunt for a living, so their income and supplies are not affected by the Growth or Death scale of a province. However, the population will still die slowly in Abysia-controlled provinces with Death scales.

General Overview

Abysians Are lava men Clade in the heaviest armour. Abysia Is a powerful Expansionist nation early game With a Fixation of fire. All but the hardest Indes can stop you as you march forth.

Abysia can gain a big lead on gaining initial territory, but the real challenge comes from other players. Grinding through indies is fine and all, but MA Abysia does have a problem in terms of being too in love with only fire. Magic diversity is something to deal with as your opponents can out buff you while you struggle to keep your troops relevant, and Fire is an easily counterable path.

If you can overcome your magical OneNote-ness and survive a player rushes, you can be a decent blood power.

The Middle age improves on the EA, not only provinces give more gold and resources. Your off cap mages are better priests, plus get better communion masters and Blood hunters. Also, now gets an option for less recourse intensive chaff.

National Features


Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Prefer Heat scales +3
Resist Fire
Heat Aura
wasteland survival
Very Heavy Infantry with Fire Immunity
Abysal Crossbreeds
astral 33(Rare 4)
blood 44(Rare 5)
fire 33(Rare 4)
earth 11(Rare 2)
Strong but expensive Mage Priests (lvl3)
+1 Fire Bless points.
Perform Blood Sacrifice
standard Forts(Castle)
  • Growth scales and Death scales scales have half the standard effect on income and population growth and no effect on province supplies.
  • gain extra gold and Resource from cave forts
  • +1 Fire Bless points.
  • Spread Heat (Max 2)
  • Mercenaries are 25% more expensive.

Capital Special Sites


The Smouldercone Temple of the All-Consuming Flame
Increse Heat scales
Warlock Apprentice
Produce 4firegem per turn
Lava Warrior
Produce 1firegem per turn

National Units

Abysians have all havewasteland survival, resist Fire(25), Darkvision(50%) and heat Aura(3).

Abysians are practically safe from "friendly fire." This resistance narrows down what your opponent will and can throw at you—important knowledge for scripting mages.


Warning: the funny thing about blood is that their gems are an actual unit. Blood Slaves Are humans with no protection, so your Warlock's heat Aura will Ignite them. Any mage can use slaves if they are a few squares away, so get an indie to hold them and learn how to space units.

Img Unit Name —-SpecialAttributes—- Comments
Darkvision 50%
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Assassin with two Poison daggers to deal with problematic Commanders.
Beast Trainer
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
Animal Awe(4)
wasteland survival
Best commander to lead Salamanders, other animals, and some magic creatures if you don't have a mage available.
A cheaper thug Chassis then the warlord and has high Animal Awe for rare circumstances.
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
prophet shape(War Master)
National Leader with 80 Ld.
Also a decent thug chassis with most of the tools already given to him.
Prophetizing him also makes him a better leader and thug. (badass duel-wields two two-handed battle Axes).
Warlock Apprentice
Capital Only
astral 11blood 22 11
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Old Age(34/35) In one year.
They have grown to take the place of Warlocks as Warlocks grow in power. What mage your capital should be mass-producing.
The combo of Astral and blood could make them decent for creating communions during the mid to late game, but their cap only status makes them compete with the recruitment of the much more powerful Warlocks.
Capital Only
astral 22blood 33random1100%
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
Adept Cross Breeder(6)
wasteland survival
Old Age(46/35)
Prophet Shape(Anathemant)
Abysia's strongest Blood mage (surprisingly not slow to recruit). Masters of communions, efficient crossbreeders, and generally your best ritual casters.
Astral randoms(astral 33blood 33) can cast Send Lesser Horror without boosters, blood randoms(astral 22blood 44) can with a Blood Thorn cast Infernal Disease, and earth randoms(earth 11astral 22blood 33) are good for buffing troops with communions.
Anathemant Salamander
fire 22holy 22 9
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(5)
wasteland survival
Old Age(33/33)
Prophet Shape(Anathemant)
Expensive Fire 2 mages and Lv2 priest .
Not the best mage, but is the "cheapest" one to recruit off cap.
They can bring to bear a lot of fire spells like Summon Fire Elemental, Fire Cloud, Cold Resistance, Inner Furnace, and Heat from Hell, Especially since your rolling in Fire gems.
Anathemant Dragon
fire 33earth 11holy 33random010% 13
resist Fire(30)
heat Aura(6)
wasteland survival
Old Age(42/32)
Prophet Shape(Anathemant)
The next tier above Anathemant Salamanders with 1 path in earth, and Recruitable Throne claimers.
They are meant to be spammers of the Liquid Flames of Rhuax and also Fire Storm Casters.
If you can stitch them into Warlock communions they are powerful Magma Eruption casters.
Capital Only
fire 22blood 22holy 22 13
blood searcher(+1)
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(5)
wasteland survival
Prophet Shape(Demonbred)
A flying utility mage.
Good at blood hunting (don't have to walk warlocks from the cap), be a light thug with flying giving them a large threat range.
(fire is a ok thug path while blood buffs needs someone to footslog with slaves).


Abysians are Gold and Resource intensive. Despite having low Defence, They also have decent HP, Strength, and bost a very high prot. Abysians don't need too much in number to out grind indies, especially with their heat aura inflicting fire fatigue Damage.

Img Unit Name —-SpecialAttributes—- Comments
Humanbred With Spear
Gold 14
resist Fire(15)
wasteland survival
Cheap chaff to use int the mid-game.
Basically medium armour humans with slightly better stats, very good Fire Resistance, and a tower shield.
Axe Variant is good a killing the enemy it chaffs, while the spears are more defensive with its spear repel.
Humanbred With Axe
Gold 13
resist Fire(15)
wasteland survival
Abysian Infantry With Battleaxe
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Wields a big High damage axe.
Works as a counter to units that are hard to kill by hacking at its HP pool with a few hits and likely to cause afflictions.
Abysian Infantry With Flail
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Your primary non-sacred expander and front line fighter.
Makes two attack that gains bonus Atk Skill against a unit with a shield (a very common unit) is a very viable way to mulch through infantry.
Abysian Infantry With Axe
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Trades The high damage two-handed battleaxes for a not so damaging one-handed axe, Higher defense, and a Tower shield.
Too much prot for expansion but Better later in-game when Evocation and buffs make you just tough enough to not immediately die.
Use like battleaxe to carve up HP pools.
Abysian Infantry with Morningstar
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
Also has a Tower shield and higher defense.
Unlike the other one, the Morning star dose the same amount of damage then as the Fail, except it also deals Piercing damage 50% of the time to ignore some of the enemy prot.
The real trade off comes from the higher encumbrance and slower combat speed.
fire power(1)
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(6)
wasteland survival
Gold Expensive but a low resource glass cannons.
Belches AOE AP fire to delete a square of elite enemies but will get mulched in return.
Takes practice to understand how to position them so they reach the enemy at the same time as your slow troops (far front and far back).
Lava Warrior
Capital Only
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
fire power(1)
bad formation fighter(2)
wasteland survival
A downgrade from EA Burning Ones but still your Prime expanders with them now being significantly cheaper.
Mulcher of most infantry being a big Bazerking Lava man that Dual wealds Morningstars.
They are monsters early games, but start to fall off in the middle game when picked off by spells like Earth Meld, Destrution and Armour piercing evocation (Mostly because good buffing option come only from cap limited communions).


Img Unit Name —-SpecialAttributes—- Comments
Ba'al Chozron - Anathemant Warlock
Hero turn arrival Limit:5
fire 33blood 33holy 33 17
resist Fire(30)
heat Aura(6)
Adept Cross Breeder(8)
wasteland survival
A As a high mix of blood and Fire, and can claim thrones.
His most important use is being the most effective Crossbreader and Bind Arch Devil
Rago - Rage Lord Sacred
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
fire power(1)
wasteland survival
A upgraded Warlord. Ok as a Thug and a Arena Fighter.
Chuzrael - Slayer Darkvision(100%)
resist Fire(25)
heat Aura(3)
wasteland survival
A flying assassin. Use him carefully as you only get the one.


Research Priorities

Conj 3: Lesser Fire Elemental, Phoenix Power

Blood: Later game strategy. Call Horror, Curse of Blood

Enchant 4: Flaming Arrows

National Spells & Summons


  • Summon Spectral Infantry death 11fire 11 Conj 2 for 5deathgem (summon 5 Smoulderghost). A very decent summon despite not having native Death. Basically, Hellbred Giant Abysian infantry with A magical GreatAxe that deals additional Fire damage. A decent Front line unit. It's your lucky day if you find an indie that can cast this.
  • Pride of Lions nature 22 Conj 3 for 10naturegem. (summon 10 Great Lion) + overcast. Can't Be cast natavly and if you have nature gems thier are better things to spend on then chaff.
  • Contact Scorpion Man earth 11fire 11 Conj 8 for 12earthgem (summon a Scorpion Man). Contact Scorpion Man is always in an awkward spot for any nation as it comes too late in-game to be most effective. If your failing to get a mage with an lv in earth higher than 1, this is an ok way to spend your surplus.
  • Hellscape fire 44 Alt 6 for 10firegem. An Abysian exclusive enemy set back ritual. Giving Death scales+1, -10% Pop, +20 unrest, and a big shift in temperature scales can greatly reduce what a province could give a player. Despite it being notified as a really bad anonymous event, players can recognize when they are being messed with. Also, a way to support troops before going into combat(Bonus to Fire Power and heat auras, Extra Fagua to enemies, and catch cold nations like Caelum with their pants down)
  • Infernal Breeding blood 22 Blood 3 for 25bloodslave. grants decent units that will likely replace most of your infantry.


  • Liquid Flames of Rhuax fire 33earth 11 Evocation 5. Ment to be the signature spell for Anathemant Dragon and anointed. Throws an AOE 1 High damage AP fire that deals lingering heat fatigue damage to the square. Decent low fatigue way to eliminate groups of high prot units
  • Inner Furnace fire 33 Enchant 5 for 1firegem. A battlefield wide spell that causes your infantry Heat aura to increase by 3. The main downside is that your infantry has to fail an easy MR, and they have decent MR. Need a few Cast of this to ensure most of your Infantry benefits and Fire gems flow like water(Lava) back home. If your in an infantry stalemate, fatiguing the enemy more(as long they don't put up fire resistance) is a way to win the grinding game.

Magic Access

Has a Decent level of Astral and Blood coming from their cap, with strong fire mages. You only get earth 11 on mages (unless getting lucky with a warlock or dragon). If you can empower for Earth Boots, so Earth is added to your arsenal.

It's a good idea for your pretender to break them into new paths and forge boosters.

Combat Magic

Fire magic is a decent unit clearer path early game as the MA only has Medium prot, and the amount of cap Fire gems you have begs you to spam Fire Elementals. Feel to spam Fire as much as you want; Prot 17 dudes with Fire-resistance 25 are practically immune to all of it.

Mid game is when fire stops working as other nations will likely obtain counterspells like Rain or Fire Resistance.

From that time onward, your magic power comes from Warlock communions empowering mages, especially if they are indie with a foreign if you spam Warlocks, your likely to get one to forge Crystal Matrixes for your shamans.

Adding Earth and Nature to your communes are very important to keep your infantry viable. Your primary magic power comes from Blood and Astral spam; being very good at Call Horror spam. see Horror.

Although Fire is easy to counter, When dealing with communions instead of fire, They won't have counters ready. That's when in the late game, you unleash Heat from Hell and Fire Storm.

Having National Darkvition, Solar Eclipse is a spell most players don't think about.

Abysia doesn't have native ranged units, but as a fire nation, finding indie archers and casting Flaming Arrows is a Lucrative endeavor to add "Rapid Fire fire crossbows" to your armies.

Ritual Magic

Fire magic doesn't have limited good ritual strategies like Alchemy to turn their plentiful Fire gem to gold, summon the Fire Kings, or Spam Terracotta Army for cheap chaff.

Creating a Blood economy is important as it's easy to empower in. Summoning Demons and Horrors benefits you.

Go for the Bind Heliophagus, Bind Arch Devil and Vampire Lords for late-game thugs (some of the Heliophagus can break you into vampires if your pretender can't).

The end game with Demon Lords.

Magic Items

need to get a earth 22 for Eath Boots and empower an earth random Warlock further in blood, but after that, you can forge most of the Fire, Earth, Astral, and blood boosters. (which is important for you battle mage in terms of magic diversity)


Early Game

Expanding is comfortable with your infantry and spamming Fire Elementals when things get tough. Abysia likes to be an aggressive early game, taking many territories and even Devowering a weaker neighbor (You appreciate having a land lead). Try to produce Warlocks Apprentice from your cap each turn (you can only get so many of them). Collecting Indie mages are a priority.

Mid Game

Mid game is when enemy magic starts to catch up with your infantry. Fire magic stops being as effective when Rain is cast, and Earth mages would decimate infantry with Earth Meld and Destruction. At this point, you should be shifting to a blood economy, hunting for slaves, and using Infernal Breeding Create better troops. May want to recruit indies for cheaper chaff. Battle magic comes from Blood Astral communion with some warlocks leading with the Dragon, or indie mages with a Matrix.

Late Game

Late game is a standard affair for a blood nation, climbing blood until you can summon Demon Lords.

Can Also summon The Fire Elemental Royalty.

Strategy Guides

abysia-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:42 by johnnydown