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EA Mictlan, Reign of Blood


"Mictlan is a nation mainly inspired by the Aztecs and their practice of blood sacrifices. The name is that of the realm of the dead in Aztec mythology." -Illwinter

Suitably named after Aztec Hell, Mictlan has always been isolated; any of its neighbors and visitors have long-since learned that keeping contact with them would end in them being either enslaved by the Kings or exsanguinated by the Blood Cult. Since the dawn of their Empire, Blood has been spilled to feed the waning powers of Mictlan’s Hungry God, for the Gods in Mictlan’s Early Age were as mortal as their worshipers. The Hungry God of the Early Age was revered through its two Faces (the Sun & the Moon) and its two Domains (the Rain & the Forest), but the worship of all four arguably played out in the same way.

General Overview

Mictlan isn't exactly the best example of the archetypal Blood nation, but you will certainly need a good understanding of bloodslaveBlood Slaves to survive. As a Human nation without even passable equipment or a reliable Dominion, every decision must be thought through carefully. To offset this somewhat, your Mage-Priests each have a decent discount, and you have plenty of unique tools to work with once you figure out how to avoid immediate collapse. This is certainly not a nation for beginners, though if you don't understand Blood, attempting a sink-or-swim approach with this nation may help you learn quickly.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Average Humans
Prefers 1 Heat
Forest Survival
Primitive Gear
Cheap Infantry
Slave Levies
Sacred Shapeshifters
blood 33
nature 22 (rare 3)
fire 22
water 22
astral 22
death 11 (rare)
air 11blood 11 (one)
death 33blood 33 (one)
astral 33nature 33 (requires astral 11nature 11)
death 11nature 11blood 22 (requires blood 33)
With blood 44 & 101bloodslave:
death 33nature 11blood 33 (25%)
death 22nature 11blood 44 (25%)
death 22nature 22blood 33 (25%)
fire 11death 22nature 11blood 33 (25%)
With water 44 & 60watergem:
air 22water 44blood 33 (one)
water 44death 22blood 33 (one)
fire 22water 44blood 33 (one)
water 44nature 22blood 33 (one)
Powerful (holy 33)
Only holy 11 outside capital
Blood Sacrifice
+1 Fire Bless point
+2 Blood Bless points
Primitive Fortified Cities
  • Your Home Province, Temples, and Prophet DO NOT passively spread Dominion, your Priests cannot Preach, and your Pretender passively spreads Dominion only half as effectively as other Pretenders.
    • Blood Sacrifice isn't just a tool you can use to leverage smaller opponents: it's mandatory for survival, especially if your Pretender isn't present. On the other hand, waiting to spread Dominion until you need it spread can be helpful, if you've taken a Hellbless (and the Scales that come with it).

Capital Special Sites

Temple of the Land Temple of the Rain Temple of the Moon High Temple of the Sun
Enables recruitment of:
- Priest King
- Eagle Warrior
Produces 1 naturegem per turn
Enables recruitment of:
- Rain Priest
Produces 1 watergem per turn
Enables recruitment of:
- Moon Priest
Produces 1 astralpearl per turn
Enables recruitment of:
- Sun Warrior
- High Priest of the Sun
Produces 3 bloodslave per turn
Produces 2 firegem per turn

Notable Units

Provide a brief overview of commanders and units and what tools they provide you with. Outline any peculiarities across the roster (e.g. the animal tag, cold blooded). Highlight any particular strengths of the roster and describe their roles (e.g. high-quality infantry, thugs, powerful mages).

Jaguar Warriors are pretty cool guys, able to heal afflictions that they will no-doubt acquire due to their Wounded Shape. They're especially notable because you can get them from any fort with a temple; most of your other good units aren't so generous.

Nahualli are your off-capital Mages, and while they don't have Blood, they can Contact Couatls to get good Magic access and decent Priests outside your perpetually-busy capital. They can also transform into scrumptuous Turkeys to fly around and look funny; somehow they can still cast spells in this form.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Your basic scout. Nothing to say here.
Tribal King
Taskmaster (1)
Slaver (Slave)
Forest Survival
Chaff-collector and competent leader.
Mictlan Priest
blood 11holy 11random010% 7
Forest Survival
Budget Blood Slave collector/sacrificer & Research monkey.
astral 11nature 22random010% 11
Supply Bonus (20)
Shapechanger (Turkey)
Forest Survival
Couatl-summoner & off-cap Mage.
Could also handle Communions with your Moon Priests and/or Priest-Kings.
The Turkey shape may be ridiculous but will grant the Nahualli lots of map mobility and extra HP.
Rain Priest
Capital Only
water 22blood 22holy 22 13
Forest Survival
Not too appealing at first (unless you like Frost Fiends), but can Summon Tlaloques & Jade Serpents later on.
Moon Priest
Capital Only
astral 22blood 22holy 22 13
Darkvision (50%)
Forest Survival
Tzitzimitl-summoner & Blood-Slave-saving Communion Master.
Priest King
Capital Only
nature 22blood 22holy 22 13
Taskmaster (1)
Slaver (Slave)
Supply Bonus (20)
Forest Survival
Crossbreeder, 4-squad leader, and slaver supreme.
High Priest of the Sun
Capital Only
fire 22blood 33holy 33 15
Forest Survival
Old Age(54/46)
Ozeotl-summoner, Tlahuelpuchi-contacter, Hellfire-rainer, and liaison with Devils & their princes.


FIXME description of the workhorse options, for the sake of sanity better skip the clearly subpar and generic stuff (common indie like units with no gimmicks), merge units into a single description entry if functionally similar battle roles with only minor differences in gear.

Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Forest Survival Slinger with Shield.
Archers prefer shooting at low prot targets so they can keep the heat of Jaguar Warriors while still being more protected and can trade because of their shields.
Forest Survival Slinger with Shield and armor.
Best suited as lance catchers, being cheap but will still last longer than the barechested warriors.
Forest Survival A good expanding alternative to your sacreds. Javelins give them an advantage over low prot indies that would normally shred Jaguar Warrior like barbarians.
Forest Survival The above warrior but with better melee weapons and armor.
Less often seen line troops as Sloth is a popular dump scale for Mictlan, but still useful as mage bodyguards.
Moon Warrior
Darkvision (50%)
Forest Survival
Warrior with great weapons and darkvision.
Moon warriors start getting useful when you start amassing your demon army and learn how to cast the Darkness spells. Make great fort recruits when going with a Darkness army strategy.
Feathered Warrior
Standard (1)
Forest Survival
Boost the morale of the Warriors he is with. Sacreds have good moral but boosting higher it can be important especially when there are so many abilities that force you to roll it many times.
Jaguar Warrior
Wounded Shape (Were Jaguar)
Forest Survival
A fantastic sacred in-game being a recruit anywhere greatweapon guy with a second werebeast shape with 3 attacks.
Beware of mass firepower, they don't have high prot or shields.
Eagle Warrior
Capital Only
Ambidextrous (3)
Flying when Blessed
Forest Survival
Another excellent sacred, gaining the ability to fly when blessed, so can assassinate commanders in the rear like other flying nations.
Also suffers the same weakness as Jaguar Warriors
Sun Warrior
Capital Only
Resist Fire (5)
Forest Survival
Another sacred, being an armored warrior with javelin and resistance to fire.
Less appealing than the other sacred choices in terms of offense and competes with the recruitment of Eagle Warriors.
Ok During early game expansion depending on blessing when keeping expansion party casualties low is important.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Mictlipoctli - King of Legends
Hero turn arrival limit:(5)
death 33blood 33holy 33 17
Spirit Sight
Pierce Resistant
Fire Vulnerability (10)
Resist Cold (15)
Resist Poison (25)
Reanimation Bonus (2)
A Mound Fiend with blood magic, Breaking you early into death if you get him before Blood 7.
Tepeyocatl - Eagle Priest air 11blood 11holy 11 9
Ambidextrous (3)
Forest Survival
Eagle warrior commander but more importantly he adds Air magic to your communions.


Magic Access

This section is the longer version of the 'Magic Access' column in National Features. List which paths the nation has access to, what level in each path and the maximum level attainable with common boosters. Avoid discussing in too much depth as much of the information is already covered in MelficeBelmont's Boosting and Access Guide. The length of this section will vary greatly depending on the nation, and does not have to be formatted in the same way as the example below. Some explanation may be required for more complicated boosting methods (e.g. commanderifying a unit with hidden paths). What exactly these paths can be used for can largely be explained in later sections, but pointing out good crosspaths works well in this section too. Mention communion access if applicable.

National Spells

List combat and ritual spells unique to the nation. Keep descriptions brief but elaborate on any particularly useful spells. Nation-defining national spells (e.g. Bind Jaguar Fiends for EA Mictlan or Scapegoats for LA Gath) can be highlighted like important commanders or units.


  • Mictlan does not have any national combat spells


  • Summon Jaguar Toads: 2naturegem Conj 1.nature 11holy 11 ( Jaguar Toadx2) they are small tramplers (only running over common infantry) and spit armor-negating mortal poison, while also poisoning anyone that don't use spears. They are easy to summon but easy to kill and Undisciplined makes them hard to buff.
  • Summon Jaguars: 25naturegem Conj 3.nature 22holy 11 ( Jaguarx17) like weaker Ozelotls that come in greater numbers using nature gems. Greate and a effectent use of nature gems spending if you have a good bless for them and desperate need lots of troops.
  • Summon Jade Serpent: 3watergem Conj 4.water 22 ( Jade Serpentx1) a big bag of hit points that's a sacred standard and a high strength poison bit. Mix some into troops to improve their morale and way to kill high armored enemies.
  • Summon Tlaloque: 60watergem Conj 7.water 44 ( Tlaloque of the East, Tlaloque of the South, Tlaloque of the West, Tlaloque of the North). Great dump for your Water gems in the late game. Often don't see one unless in a longer game as Mictlan often have other pressing research priorities then reaching Conj 7,
  • Summon Monster Toads: nature 22 Conj 5 8naturegem (summon 3 Monster Toad). Sacred Tramplers that spread poison with their Poisonous Skin and Poisonous Cloud. Likely to Die, but will kill formation as the toads will suicidally trample to the middle of it to spread the poison cloud.
  • Contact Couatl: 40naturegem Conj 6.nature 11astral 11 ( Couatlx1)
  • Bind Beast Bats: 8bloodslave Blood 2.blood 11 ( Beast Batx3). Come online early in-game. not as good fighters as Ozelotl but deal a significant amount of fatigue if they can wound with their poisonous bit. Mixing in some can quickly put monsters to sleep if you can overcome their prot and defenses.
  • Bind Jaguar Fiends: 16bloodslave Blood 4.blood 11fire 11 ( Ozelotlx3). Your greatest damage-dealing troops, boasting six rather-decent attacks to a flying square. You'll want to spam a lot of them for your armies once your blood economy is set up.
  • Contact Civateteo: 36bloodslave Blood 5.blood 22death 22 ( Civateteox1). You need your other nation blood mage summons to make her but she is a great stealth Demon army raider. Also, a Reanimator Priest to free spawn some extra Longdead during downtime.
  • Bind Tzitzimitl: 10bloodslave Blood 6.blood 22astral 22 ( Tzitzimitlx1). Moon Priest can summon these demons which are mini evocations mages in a Demon's body. Lot protection but great at being artily, Hurling their steller bolts.
  • Contact Tlahuelpuchi: 42bloodslave Blood 6.blood 33 ( Tlahuelpuchix1). a Demon Assasin. Ok if you need a Death mage now and don't have the time to Reaserch Blood 7.
  • Contact Onaqui: 101bloodslave Blood 7.blood 44 ( Onaquix1, Beast Batx3). Summon a stronger blood Death mage than the Tlahuelpuchi, being a few boosts from summoning Vampire Lords. Onaqui are death 22blood 33nature 11random1100% mages who will freespawn a few Beast Bat each turn in friendly Dominion.
  • Rain of Jaguars: 40bloodslave Blood 8.blood 66fire 22 ( Ozelotlx14+[lv]). A late-game but more efficient way to mass Ozelotls, cutting the price down by almost half (not to mention the mage turns). This is something you should aim for as the end approaches, because of how good Ozelotls are, though you may need to Empower someone in Blood 1-3 times.

Notable Generic Magic

Magic Items

  • Jade Knife Const 2, 5naturegem5bloodslave, nature 11blood 11: grants useer Adept Sacrificer, granting you +2 priest levels when using blood slaves to expand your domions.


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

See More

mictlan-ea.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:21 by johnnydown