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MA Ulm, Forges of Ulm


The Ulm of the Middle Ages is at the height of its industrial power. Following the fall of Ermor, their former regent, the Ulmic peoples have founded a new kingdom. At the heart of this kingdom is MA Ulm's signature Blacksteel, the Enigma of Steel long-sought by the Warrior Smiths of old, which is now used to provide Ulmic warriors with the heaviest armaments known to humankind.

Yet, tensions are stirring within the young kingdom. The Cult of the Iron Order is emerging to contest the power of the Master Smiths, proclaiming all magic outside their religion a heresy. During the transition from the Middle Ages to the Late Ages, these tensions plunge Ulm into civil war and a terrible Malediction is placed upon the land. The surviving remnants coalesce into the occult, gothic nation of LA Ulm.

General Overview

Ulm is a nation of good troops, magic items, and not much else. Its armies are robust, and strong, and its chaff is pretty good too. What it sorely lacks, like its Early Age counterpart, is magical diversity. Still, it is a good nation to learn the basic mechanics of the game with.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Ulmite Men
(compared to baseline human)
+2 HP
-1 MR
+1 Strength
Gold-efficient infantry

Crossbows & Arbalests

Heavy Armor & Weapons
earth 22 (rare 3)
fire 11 (rare 2)
air 11 (rare)
astral 11 (rare)
holy 22 Cap-only
holy 11 in Forts
Standard Forts (Castles)
Starts with a Citadel (3 Commander Pts.)
Can build Citadels with Masons
Forts produce +25% resources Resources

"Rare" is 5%, in this case; it's a much-more-generous rate than most "rare" paths, but it is by no means reliable. A 5% chances means that recruiting 20 mages gives a 65% chance of getting at least one mage with the desired random.

The Forges of Ulm

Middle Age Ulm is exceptionally good at forging magic items, enjoying a 2-gem discount on any item forged. When wielding a Dwarven Hammer a Master Smith can forge any 5-gem item for only 1 gem. Seeing as many 5-gem items remain powerful throughout the game, an Ulmish player can gain more mileage out of gems than most nations.

Capital Special Sites

The Keep of Ulm The Forges of Ulm
Enables recruitment of Master Mason,
Black Priest, Priest Smith,
Lord Guardian, Guardian
Produces 5earthgem per turn

National Units

FIXME Commander blurb and highlights


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Black Acolyte
holy 11
National indie priest. Potentially has some use for temple building or as a desperation measure against massed low-quality undead.
Master Mason
Capital Only
Siege Bonus (30)
Castle Defence Bonus (20)
The siege and defence bonuses on these men can be used to very quickly pop forts, even those in areas with extremely poor supply. More importantly, these guys can also upgrade your forts into citadels, granting 3 commander points (or 1.5 mages) every turn from every fort.
Stealthy (60)
Slower to make than an indie scout but can gather mundane score graphs as well as raise unrest.
Commander of Ulm
Standard 80 leadership commander.
Their excellent protection and shields make them far less vulnerable than most other national commanders to unlucky arrow fire.
Commander of Ulm
Commander of Ulm
Commander of Ulm
Lord Guardian
Capital Only
Halt Heretic (3)
Castle Defence Bonus (2)
You can use these as a recruitable anti-thug, specialising in dealing with sacreds. However, with minimal gear the Black Lords will do the job better, and without gear the troop versions of these will fill this role far more efficiently.
Black Priest
Capital Only
earth 11holy 22random010% 7
A cheap mage option. Severely outclassed in casting ability by both the Master Smiths and Priest Smiths, but is more efficient at preaching out enemy dominion should it become an issue.
Black Lord
Mounted A mounted knight clad in blacksteel with good stats, the Black Lord is a good cheap thug chassis. At Construction 3 with a mage along to cast Legions of Steel, a Greatsword of Sharpness and a Bracer of Protection these guys can prot-tank most PD, and even cut through giants very effectively.

Notably their default weapon, the morningstar, gives a -2 penalty to defense; replacing the morningstar removes this penalty and can increase their durability even further.
Master Smith
fire 11earth 22random020% 11
Resource Bonus (10)
Forge Bonus (2)
Mundane Researcher
This mage forms the backbone of your nation.
Give them a Dwarven Hammer, and they will make any 5-gem item for 1 gem only, which can border on the gamebreaking when abused at scale.
1firegem Lightless Lanterns allow for a huge research boost at Const 6.
astral 11 lets you forge Crystal Matrix and Slave Matrix to boost combat magic through communions.
air 11 with a path boost cast Wind Guide for better Iron Blizzard damage.
As an added bonus Master Smiths add bonus resources to help build your resource-reliant troops.
Mundane researcher means that they ignore Drain Scales for researching, meaning that Ulm can choose to go Drain3 scales with much lesser penalties than other nations.
Priest Smith
Capital Only
fire 11earth 22holy 11 11
Resource Bonus (10)
Forge Bonus (1)
mundane researcher
The cap-only mage of ulm.
Trades a potential random for a Holy path. Has much the same combat ability as the Master Smith, but can also make use of Ulm's national evocation spells such as Iron Blizzard.


Most Ulmish infantry is divided into the 19 prot half-Blacksteel infantry and the 23 prot full-Blacksteel infantry. Half Blacksteel infantry is easier to mass-produce while still being hard for most indies to kill, while full Blacksteel infantry is resource-intensive but nearly impossible to kill in melee without giant strength or big two-handed weapons.

Ulm's units are not without their weaknesses, however. They have low MR, making them vulnerable to MR-negates tactics like mind-blasters or mass Soul Slay. They also have incredibly low defense - this is not usually an issue due to their superheavy armor, but makes them surprisingly easy to repel. Elite infantry with length 3 spears (or cavalry with light lances) will repel nearly all attacks from Ulmish infantry outside of Pikeneers and Guardians.

Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
War Dog
Well armored chaff that can go 6 to a square.
Not much of a line holder, unlike the normal Ulmish troops, but quick and able to intercept a lance charge. These have some niche value if you can line up mages to land buffs on them, but you will most likely use them exclusively to die to heavy cav lances in place of a unit you care about more during expansion.
High prot and a long weapon for lots of repel checks makes these your infantry which die mostly slowly in melee. Perhaps more importantly and unlike Ulm's other infantry types, they cannot be repelled by most enemies. However, they are vulnerable to armor-piercing ranged fire, and inflict significantly less damage than most of your other infantry options.
Black Plate Pikeneer
Infantry of Ulm
The source of your highest Damage attacks, use these to cut through giants and other extremely high-prot targets.
Black Plate Infantry
Infantry of Ulm
Mauls fill a similar role to Battleaxes but deal Bludgeoning damage, good for situations where your enemies are resistant to Slashing damage. However, opponents that are resistant to one type of physical damage are often resistant to all of them, and in general Slashing is a better damage type.
Black Plate Infantry
Infantry of Ulm
Flails have two attacks, making these units by far your best source of attack density. This makes these your best option for killing either large numbers of weak enemies (such as during expansion) or opponents which rely on high defence skill to survive (most notably elves). They do however have the worst defence of any Ulmish infantry, so they are the most prone to being repelled by length 3+ weapons.
The half-helm Infantry make quick expanders, while the full-helm Black Plate troops can deal with hordes from enemy players.
Black Plate Infantry
Infantry of Ulm
Trades a two-handed weapon for a shield to be even harder to kill.
You get to choose between higher-Dmg Hammers and higher-Att Morning Stars.
Black Plate Infantry
Infantry of Ulm
Black Plate Infantry
These actually use a special form of a crossbow called an arbalest. While this means their shots are extremely dangerous, they fire only once every 3 rounds (unlike the once ever 2 rounds of a normal crossbow). This combined with the fact that the almost inevitable friendly fire from these units is actually capable killing your own troops (something your opponent's troops will often be unable to do unbuffed) makes them a very niche unit on ulm's roster.
Their arbalests punch through most armour, and have superior range that out-classes most Bows.
Capital Only
Castle Defence Bonus (2) The Black Halberd has an aoe 1 effect, so even if the guardian misses the attack will add fatigue to all sacreds in the target square. This is an incredibly powerful effect, which helps MA Ulm deal with sacred opponents at all stages of the game.
Their Siege Defence is secondary to their main role: countering enemy Sacred units.
Siege Bonus (5) These crossbow-armed units have a niche role in rapidly knocking down fort walls, but limited battlefield utility.
Black Knight
Mounted The Black Knights of Ulm are exceptional heavy cavalry units. A handful of them on guard commander lead by a Black Lord make an extremely powerful expansion party, capable of clearing most indies without attrition. They remain useful further into the game as in-battle flankers, PD raiders, and excellent targets for earth buffs.


Keeping with the nation's themes, MA Ulm's heroes totally lack magic but are very hardy for ordinary humans. They fulfil the same role as the fort-recruitable Black Lords, but are slightly better at the job in different ways.

Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Barthulf - Hero Mounted A Black Lord with 120Ld.
Qualified to lead your big stacks.
Raterik - Hero Recuperation
Your best national thug chassis: better stats, 3 attacks + lance, and recuperation.
You only get one however, and the very low hp heavily limits how dangerous a thug this unit is able to be.
Hildegard - Heroine Recuperation
Notable for having extremely low protection for an Ulmite. Has very high defense, but needs more gear to compete with the rest of Ulm's Black Lords.


Magic Access

Ulm is known for its lack of Magic Access, but don't let that stop you from trying to climb with as little investment as possible.

Earth is your only path that you can craft boosters for; Boots bring you to earth 33 (earth 44 on 5% of your Masters), +earth 11 in combat.

Fire is your only other guaranteed path. It's at fire 11, though 5% of your Masters will have fire 22. With a 1- or 3-gem Fire in a Jar, a fire 11 mage can cast Summon Phoenix Power to become fire 22.

Air & Astral are each found only on 10-or-20% randoms. Getting access to at least one of each is important for forging and magic diversity.

Ulm has several ways of increasing their magic capabilities:

  1. Your astral 11 randoms can join communions of Independent astral 11 to try and boost their stuff to higher levels in combat.
  2. Ulm can craft relatively cheap Crystal Matrix and Slave Matrix to bring any mage into a communion.
  3. Earth Boots, Crystal Shield and Fire in a Jar can increase magic paths in combat.

Apart from that there's Empowerment, Pretender Design, and leaning heavily on what respectable levels of earth give you. At least Ulm had the wisdom to begrudgingly respect a good path.

Since Ulm has no nature 22 mages natively they need to find one early to safeguard against the armor-negating damage of Foul Vapors. A pretender with nature 22 can forge a Thistle Mace to make any nature 11 indie mage capable of casting Poison Ward

National Magic


  • Evocation 3 earth 11holy 11: Iron Darts
    The signature spell of Ulmish Priests, firing a spread of 3 magic armor-piercing darts that deal double damage to magic beings. Massing Black Priests and Black Smiths allows you to shower the enemy in shrapnel that ignores 60% of protection.
  • Evocation 6 earth 11holy 11: Iron Blizzard
    Trades some range and damage for a truly astonishing 30 darts per cast. Can be casted by even a lowly Black Priest, but the high fatigue cost makes it more practical for Priest Smiths to spam. This is an powerful evocation spell which is particularly lethal to magic beings.
  • Thaumaturgy 5 earth 33: Tempering the Will
    Effectively a national version of the Antimagic spell against the usual MR-negates threats such as mind blasters or Charm. However, Thaumaturgy is of limited use to MA Ulm aside from this spell, making this an awkward research target. Alternatively, an astral-random Master Smith can Power of the Spheres up to astral 22 and burn pearls to cast Antimagic for a total of 3astralpearl.


  • Conjuration 3 nature 22 for 8naturegem: Sloth of Bears ( Great Bear×10+lv)
    Summons high strength blobs of hitpoints. Can work as evocation bait, as the bears have more HP than your troops and even lower MR, but otherwise unremarkable.
  • Conjuration 8 earth 55astral 22 for 25earthgem: Contact Iron Angel( Iron Angel×1)
    An antisacred commander summon. Although they seem very durable, their lack of magic paths severely limits their utility as thugs.

Notable Generic Magic

Ulm's narrow path focus makes their magic significantly more straightforward than most nations.


Ubiquitous earth 22 in Ulm's mage corps makes Earth Meld a very potent early combat spell, reducing the defence of affected enemies by 75% and making it much easier for your infantry's attacks to land. It also prevents enemies from attacking, which is particularly relevant for giants with their high-damage attacks. Maws of the Earth later in Alteration allows Ulm's mages to deal more direct damage and immobilize swathes of opponents at once, though at the cost of gems.

With Summon Earthpower, Ulm's Master Smiths and Priest Smiths become earth 33 and are able to cast the vast majority of earth buffs without spending additional gems. Very early in the game, Strength of Giants makes the Ulmish frontline grinder even more powerful than it already is while Legions of Steel provides a minor protection buff. Ulm has a major power spike when it researches Alteration 7 for Marble Warriors, which brings their full Blacksteel infantry up to an eye-watering 29 protection (31 with Legions of Steel) that even giants will struggle to deal damage through. Construction 7 for Weapons of Sharpness completes the suite of earth buffs that makes midgame MA Ulm an absolute monster in straight-up fights.

Master Smiths can eat a fire gem to cast Phoenix Power, become fire 22, and eat 2 more fire gems to cast Summon Fire Elemental. Large Fire Elementals buffed with Iron Warriors can kill hordes upon hordes of chaff (such as those fielded by MA Sceleria or MA Ermor). Earthquake and Fire Storm can serve a similar purpose, though the latter is very difficult to cast with Ulm's magic paths.


Ulm's narrow and shallow paths means that most rituals will require the help of a Pretender to cast. However, Ulm benefits greatly from being able to cast a few key rituals.

Riches from Beneath synergizes with Ulm's resource-intensive lineup, allowing Ulm to more quickly mass its infantry as well as providing a nice income boost. However, it does not stack on the resource bonuses provided by Ulm's Master Smiths, making it less effective than it may seem at first. Eternal Pyre is also a useful global to control, as it allows Ulm to produce huge quantities of Lightless Lanterns. Having a healthy treasury of fire gems also enables more gem-hungry moves such as summoning Flame Spirits for better depth in fire magic.

Earth Blood Deep Well is fantastic for Ulm as almost all of Ulm's more powerful combat magic (Maws of the Earth, Marble Warriors, Earthquake etc.) consumes earth gems. A strong earth income makes Ulm much more resilient against gem-baiting tactics and more tenacious on prolonged campaigns. However, given Ulm's voracious appetite for earth gems, it may be difficult to save up the 80 gems required to actually cast EBDW.

Magic Items

National Discounts

Unfortunately MA Ulm has little use for discounted Blacksteel equipment, as the Black Lord thug chassis already comes with a full complement of Blacksteel gear.

  • Construction 0 earth 22 for 8earthgem: Blacksteel Full Plate
  • Construction 0 earth 11 for 4earthgem: Blacksteel Helmet
  • Construction 0 earth 11 for 4earthgem: Blacksteel Kite Shield
  • Construction 0 earth 11 for 4earthgem: Blacksteel Plate
  • Construction 0 earth 11 for 4earthgem: Blacksteel Sword
  • Construction 0 earth 11 for 4earthgem: Blacksteel Tower Shield
  • Construction 6 earth 33fire 11 for 12earthgem4firegem: The Copper Arm

Generic Items

  • Ulm can add very cheap high-damage thugs to its armies in the form of Black Lords equipped with a Greatsword of Sharpness and Burning Pearl.
  • Master Smiths holding Dwarven Hammers can forge any 5-gem item for the low low price of 1 gem. Aside from making thug gear very affordable, this enables the exceptionally cheap mass-production of Lightless Lanterns at Construction 6, dramatically accelerating Ulm's research and allowing it to bring its midgame magic online much sooner than other nations.
  • The Crystal Matrix and Slave Matrix allow Ulm to bring some diversity to its combat magic, though at significant cost (in mage turns if not necessarily in gems).


Power Curve

Power Curve Census

Respondents: 12

  • Expansion: 4,08
  • Early game: 4,58
  • Midgame: 4,17
  • Late game: 2,4

As a resource-dependent nation Ulm needs to clear several provinces in its cap circle to enjoy the full potential of its quality troops. Once the ball starts rolling Ulm has excellent expansion potential with comparatively few losses using its regular troops.

The quality of its troops carry Ulm in the early game before your opponents get magic online. The Guardians provide a strong answer to enemy sacreds.

In the midgame Ulm’s ability to ramp research fast and cheap lets Ulm stay ahead in the research race while the gem discount means that Ulm can do more with less - provided Ulm finds an answer to Foul Vapors and other effects that care little about Protection.

As late game approaches the inherent weaknesses of Ulm become more easy to exploit: abysmal magic resistance across the line, a lack of magic diversity and magic depth, and the challenges of playing a 10 hp human nation in the very late game. An Ulmish player will need to find ways to deal with these issues - or better yet, win the game before their opponents reach the late game themselves.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

Johnny's "Early Forts"
An awake boar guarantees a strong early expansion so you can clear your cap circle early, build early forts and use that to gain the advantage in your first war.

Here are two variations on the chassis: The first one is by Johnny.
The second one is by Not-Lola

Chassis: Awake Thrice Horned Boar

Paths: earth 66nature 22
Bless: Hard Skin
Scales: Dominion strength3Order3Productivity3Cold3Growth1Luck1Drain3

Paths: earth 22nature 22
Scales: Dominion strength3Order2Productivity3Cold3Growth2Misfortune2Magic3

Not-Lola's Global Caster
Essentially Not-Lola's global caster from this guide on a cheaper chassis. Allows MA Ulm to cast Eternal Pyre and Riches from Beneath by the end of the second year, provided the gems are available. It may be difficult to cast Eternal Pyre if there are no fire nations or they are not willing to trade their fire gems. Also provides a safety net from Foul Vapors by forging Thistle Maces for indie nature mages.

Alternatively, swap Magic3 for Drain3 and use the points to buy Order3 and Luck3.

Chassis: Dormant Master Alchemist

Paths: fire 66earth 55nature 22
Bless: FR+5, Inspirational Presence, Mountain Survival, Reinvigoration×2
Scales: Dominion strength3Order2Productivity3Cold3Growth2Misfortune2Magic3

See More

ulm-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:39 by johnnydown