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MA Marignon, Fiery Justice


"Marignon is a late medieval nation of inquisitors and religious fanatics. Prudent – or perhaps paranoid – priests search for vice and heresy throughout the land, putting men and women to the pyre with fiery justice. Imagine the soldiers wearing fancy and colorful Renaissance clothing, while religious and arcane officials wear red or black robes and severe miens." -Illwinter

Marignon rose out of the ashes of Ermor, just like Ulm, but under a different banner. All that it had for repelling the shadows of Death was faith & austerity. The peasants labored under feudal lords, who payed their tithes and diligently served the Inquisition, all in the name of survival. The Inquisition was assembled by the House of Fiery Justice, a powerful Priesthood that dedicated itself to purging heresy & eliminating witches that used their magic for selfish means. The start of the Middle Age rebuffed the faith & fanaticism of Marignon with the undeath of Ermor, and (if you so decide) rewarded it with the arrival of an awakening God.

General Overview

Marignon is a nation of fire and faith with a sacred knightly order. Like other medieval human-only nations (pretty much just Ulm & Man), its magic diversity is not very good; unlike the other two, however, Marignon's two paths it focuses on are almost-purely offensive. One does not simply pick Marignon and avoid gunning for attack spells & elementals in their research. For what can't be dealt with by your old-&-frail mages, you have Knights of the Chalice, sacred heavy cavalry that can be recruited anywhere with a fort, a temple, and an ample pool of resources.

National Features

Race Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Average Humans
High Morale
Two-handed Weapons
Expensive Heavy Armor
Good Bodyguards
Out-of-Fort Sacreds
Sacred Heavy Cavalry
fire 44 (rare 5)
astral 33 (rare 4)
air 11 (uncommon, rare 2)
earth 11 (uncommon, rare 2)
air 33 (requires astral 44)
holy 33 in Capital
holy 22 in Forts
holy 11 Foreign Rec
Good Patrollers
Standard Forts (Castles)

The Inquisition

Marignon is held together (more or less) by its Inquisition, the militant fist of the House of Fiery Justice's militant arm, the House of Just Fires. These guys repel hostile Dominion even if you haven't hired them, in provinces and forts that belong to you, having a 30% chance to remove an enemy candle from each of these places each turn (and a 60% chance if there's a Temple). They're less effective at spreading your own Dominion, able to do so only to a maximum of 1 candle (2 where there's a Temple).

Heretic Event Chain

A certain breed of Independents, specifically the type with Knights, is rife with heresy. The heretics claim to be fine vegetarians, and may be based off the Cathars of France, but in Dominions they are recast as warlocks. Its heretical movements will only appear in two provinces, however. Dealing with the heretics is better than not dealing with them, since they can further lower local Dominion and even attempt to revolt on their own, though they'll only act without provocation a few times.

Dealing with the heretics is done with any of your nationally-recruited Priests, with stronger responses having higher risks but higher rewards.

  • Friars are the safest option, but they don't even fully undo the Dominion loss.
  • Inquisitors and High Inquisitors raise Unrest and give no benefits up-front, but can get more severe outcomes if they have twenty troops in the province afterwards; the outcomes are either a conversion of some of the heretics into 200 Gold (80% chance) or a little massacre that leads to a revolt (20% chance).
  • Witch Hunters and Grand Masters immediately either convert some of the heretics into two Magic Items or start a massacre that leads to a revolt. One of these items will always be an Imp Familiar, but the other can be anything crafted with Construction 4 or lower. This option is most-likely to start a revolt, since it exposes the heretics as Blood Mages, but sending the Grand Master is the safer option (probably because he's so good at magic).

You cannot fully eliminate the heretics; they'll reemerge later, though it'll take (on average) as long as it took for them to emerge in the first place.

Capital Sites

The House of Fiery Justice The Royal Academy
Enables recruitment of:
* High Inquisitors
* Grand Masters
Kills Demons & Undead (50% chance)
Produces 4firegem1astralpearl per turn
Enable recruitment of Architects

The House of Fiery Justice's holiness does 10 Armor-Negating Magical Damage to roughly half of the Undead & Demons in its province each turn (Magic Resistance negates).

National Units

You will love each and every Knight of the Chalice that you can produce. Most Independents won't have troops that can match them, and most nations don't have something to compare that's as easy to buff. Consider taking Productivity and Order scales to have more of these guys, or maybe just put off building forts around your capital for a while.

Your Paladins are pretty good, too (being Commander Knights), though pretty-much all of your Commanders are at least decent at leading armies.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
A very ordinary scout. Use indie scouts if at all possible!
Stealthy (65)
Assassin (1)
Ambidextrous (2)
A mundane assassin with poison dagger. Made slightly less useful by MA Marignon's lack of retinue items to kit them with.
Stealthy (70)
A mundane spy. Can gather all mundane graphs and act as a seduction-assassin in a pinch, though MA Marignon lacks retinue items to make them more effective in this role.
holy 11
Combat Caster
Paladins are great leaders, and make decent raid leaders due to being a lot more durable than the average commander.
Combat Caster is slightly trivial on him unless he is made a Prophet.
Be sure to give him back up & stuff to further-enhance his survivability if you plan on using him in battle, as the cavalry charge is not a great strategy when soloing.
+ Foreign Rec
holy 11
Stealthy (40)
Foreign recruit priests allow you to recruit temple-builders and preachers outside of forts, leaving those precious CPs for mages. Friars are also a great way to shuffle troops around due to their 40 leadership. Their stealth is a niche ability that can provide some interesting plays in terms of dominion control.
fire 11holy 22 7
Old Age (49/48)
Inquisitors have their priest level doubled for the purpose of preaching in provinces of hostile Dominion.
fire 11 7 The only mage that will not be old upon recruitment. Far more gold-efficient for research compared to MA Marignon's other mages, though they demand greater gem expenditure than their peers to be made useful in battle.
Witch Hunter
fire 22astral 11holy 11
Patrol Bonus (10)
Your most easily-massed battle mage.
Fireball, Fire Elementals, Holy Pyre, & eventually Pillar of Fire will be the four cornerstones of his power, though you should certainly make use of his Astral path whenever you can.
Don't be fooled by his initial lack of the Old Age trait, for he will gain that trait shortly.
Capital Only
Siege Bonus (15)
Castle Defence Bonus (15)
With this guy, you get to build citadels, which allow you to crank out significantly more mages & (if positioned well) sacred knights.
Judging by his immense resource cost, it seems that you pay him off with the stuff he needs for building his own citadel.
High Inquisitor
Capital Only
fire 11holy 33 7
Old Age (66/48)
190 gold is a pretty fair price for extra holy 33's. Whatever you have for your Banishment & Smite spells will be serviceable in battle, not to mention the full-army bless in addition to their ability to claim thrones.
Marignon's other 4-point capital-only mage-priest is more attractive once you have recruited all the throne-claimers you need, however.
Grand Master
Capital Only
fire 33astral 22holy 22random1100%

Fire Resistance (5)
Old Age (65/44)
Grand Masters are expensive, but provide the greatest magic diversity of MA Marignon's mages, which is admittedly not a high bar to clear. If no other option presents itself, they can wire themselves into a communion to cast earth and air buffs, in addition to natively being able to cast higher fire and astral spells than Witch Hunters are able to.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Gold 10
+ Foreign Rec
Start Affliction (75)
Despite being crippled naked men, Flagellants are killy (if fragile) troops. They do lose out to other infantry as mainline expanders and line units as they die too quickly to be cost-effective prior to protection buffs like Marble Warriors.
Gold 10
Another important part of Marignon. Crossbows already ignore most enemy prot and mages can cast Flaming Arrows and Wind Guide.
Gold 10
Marignon is able to recruit three kinds of cheap, two-hander infantry, each characterized by medium protection, solid damage output and mediocre combat skills.

Pikeneers compare somewhat poorly to the others, lacking the damage output of the other two and having low defence skill.
Swordsmen, on the other hand, have better attack and defence skill, while Halberdiers deal more overall damage and hold walls up slightly better.

These troops are all rather vulnerable to arrow (especially crossbow) fire due to having only 14 protection and lacking shields.
Gold 10
Gold 10
Castle Defence Bonus (1)
Man at Arms
Gold 14
Bodyguard (2) Most expensive of your foot troops and deals significantly less damage, but has the best protection and a shield to shrug off arrow fire.
Royal Guard
Bodyguard (3)
Royal Guards are a solid heavy cavalry type, but are generally going to be worse than the Knights of the Chalice due to not being sacred. Otherwise, they are quite solid for cavalry of their weight class with great protection and high-damage attacks for a reasonable cost.
Knight of the Chalice
The Knight of the Chalice is a strong sacred than can be recruited in all forts with a temple - a rarity among nations in Dominions 5. Cavalry in general are a privileged class of unit due to Mounted reducing harass penalty, and Knights have the protection, damage output and good combat skills to really take advantage of a strong bless.


Sprite Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Carmont - Cardinal fire 11astral 11holy 44 9
One of the rare few priests that can cast Fanaticism without a communion, and he can still join one to cast Divine Channeling.
Simeon ben Tabbai - Rephaite Scholar
Hero turn arrival Limit 5
fire 22earth 22astral 33holy 22 27
Fire Resistance (5)
Adept Researcher (+8)
Supply Bonus (-1)
Wasteland Survival
Explains where the Angel spells came from. Fast researcher, but also a pathway into forging Earth Boots, Dwarven Hammers, Crystal Coins and Crystal Shields without needing a pretender.
Tomaso del Monferrada - Witch Hunter General fire 33astral 22holy 22 15
Fire Resistance(5)
Combat Caster
Patrol Bonus (15)
A one-off thug chassis. Can do some solo raiding with Evocation and proper thug gear. He can make good on the self protection spells in Astral and make use of Phoenix Pyre.
Angelique d'Armant - Heroine Inspirational (1)
An excellent commander of armies, with 120 leadership and an inspirational morale bonus.


Magic Access

MA Marignon's magic diversity is rather limited. It is renowned for its mastery in fire magic, has some skill in astral, and its most powerful mages dabble in air and earth magic. That's it!

In terms of rituals/forging, MA Marignon has access to the following paths:


  • fire 44 on Grand Masters, fire 66 via a Flame Helmet and King of Elemental Fire
  • air 11 on Grand Masters
  • No water magic
  • earth 11 on Grand Masters


  • astral 33 on Grand Masters, astral 44 via a Starshine Skullcap
  • No death magic
  • No nature magic
  • No blood magic

National Spells

  • Holy Pyre: Evocation 4 fire 22. A situational side-grade to Falling Fires that lets your weaker mages (anyone you aren't recruiting in the capital) deal a lot of damage to undead and Demons. It's also a decent alternative to Fireball in that it isn't a missile spell and thus has a much higher likelihood of hitting the enemy.
  • Contact Harbinger: Conj 6 25astralpearl astral 44 (summon Harbingerx1). Summons a flying air 33 angel. The Harbinger is mobile Air Elemental summoner, a Thunder Striker, and can work as a magic-phase thug with Cloud Trapeze, though they are somewhat pricey for the job. Perhaps more significant is their ability to provide access to high-level air magic (Fog Warriors, Mass Flight, Wrathful Skies) when wired into a communion with a Crystal Matrix, which is much more straightforward than trying to do the same with a max air 11 Grand Master
  • Heavenly Wrath: Conj 7 35astralpearl astral 33fire 11 (summon Angel of Furyx1). A thug chassis that's easier for Marignon to summon than the Harbinger but often outclassed by the Harbinger's utility.
  • Angelic Host: Conj 7 50astralpearl astral 55 (summon Arch Angelx1 Angel of the Hostx6). It's not cheap (this isn't the Early Age, Magic Gems of all kinds are a hot commodity now), but it's a doable summon that gets you a slightly-better chassis than the Harbinger. Marignon doesn't really need its Magical services, however, although the flying and the youth are much appreciated. Note that this is a remote summon, and the Angels of the Host are pretty strong; the most efficient use of this spell is to drop it on a raiding thug or force that it can kill, take a province, and then keep the units.
  • Heavenly Choir: Conj 9 144astralpearl astral 77fire 22 (summon Seraphx1 Angel of the Heavenly Choirx9 Harbingerx3): Casting this is theoretically possible for Marignon without specially-designed Pretenders or Empowerment, but it generally requires Const 6, an extremely-rare natural astral 44 Grand Master, an equally-rare natural earth 22 Grand Master for the Crystal Coin, a Starshine Skullcap, and significant Astral Pearl investment for the Ring of Sorcery. In exchange for twelve years' worth of Marignon's Astral Power (four years if you convert your Fire Gems), you get a very neat thug, and an entourage including some technically-discounted Harbingers.

Notable Generic Magic


Your standard priest's main methods of attack are raining fire, Astral and holy prayers.

Fire kills chaff and stops Air Elementals with Fire Elementals. Standard evocations like Fireball and eventually Pillar of Flame are decent gem-free options. Incinerate is a good anti-thug spell. Heat from Hell can fatigue out non-fire resistant enemies.

Astral magic has buffs and single model kill spells. Mind Burn, Soul Slay, Enslave Mind and Magic Dual. Luck manipulation of Battle Fortune and Doom. get MR Antimagic. Stellar Cascades is alterative to Falling Fires to bypass resistance.

In Witch Hunter communions, Phoenix Power, Power of the Spheres and Light of the Northern Star boost the slave's fire and astral paths to reduce fatigue.

Returning is available if you need a Grand Master to pop in cast some spell then leave.

If you take a Darkvision bless then Solar Eclipse is a castable Darkness that is half as effective.

Flaming Arrows makes crossbows more effective and Wind Guide improve precision for both mundane and magic ranged combat.

Earth magic is unreliable but communionable, providing some small access to the excellent roster of earth buffs.

Air also a big thing for Marignon. Sulfer Haze is unexpected poison damage. and Angles Thunder Strike


Harbingers can respond to attacks in the magic-phase using Cloud Trapeze, and Grand Masters can teleport armies with Gateway.

Breath of the Desert lets you spread heat scale to boost fire magic and diminish cold-related strategies before a battle start.

Eternal Pyre is something of a natural global for Marignon to cast due to its pathing and capital gem income, if it gets to Enchantment 6.

Mind Hunt pick people off.

Terracotta Army later game replaces your line troops with those heavily resistant to Fire and Poison attacks.

Magic Items

Fire in a Jar is a powerful economy option due to the ability of Marignon's workhorse mages to spam Fire Elementals.

make a number of thug items for angels and morale-boosting items(Helmet of Heroes and Herald Lance).

Got some casting improvers with Eye of Aiming so that Gift from Heavens hit its mark. Eye of the Void and Spell Focus penetrates enemy MR.

National Items

  • Construction 2 10firegem for fire 22: Mercybrand
    An inquisitor's weapon that inflicts additional heat damage, along with giving the user fear, a patrol bonus, and inquisitor. Generally, a good tool to help your priest suppress encroaching enemy influences. can be viable on a durable thug chassis to rout enemies way by stacking more fear checks.
  • Construction 4 10firegem for fire 22: Cockerel Scepter
    A strange staff that inflicts blindness and a lot of damage to demons and undead, common late-game thugs chassis. It also allows for the casting of Holy Pyre.

National Discount Items

  • Construction 2 8firegem for fire 22: Holy Scourge
    Flail that gives a lot of attack skill and deals devastating damage to the unholy.
  • Construction 2 4firegem for fire 11: Just Man's Cross
    Unholy-killing crossbow. The cheapest way to keep an off-script communion master occupied if you're worried about your communion slaves.
  • Construction 4 4firegem for fire 11: Flambeau
    Another anti-unholy weapon, this time it's a great sword with extra fire damage that provides the wielder with some fire resistance. Its holder can cast Holy Pyre for free, so you might consider giving it to army leaders.


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

See More

marignon-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 04:40 by johnnydown