Magic Phase Movement

Magic phase movement refers to movement via rituals, which occur in the "magic phase" before ordinary map movement is resolved. For the price of a few gems, a commander and/or their army can move much further than ordinary map move would allow in one turn and arrive before enemies can move away. Magic phase movement is a powerful tool for unexpectedly reinforcing provinces and catching opponents off-guard, or 'catching' enemy armies/thugs that would have moved somewhere else in the ordinary movement phase. Commanders with magic phase-capable paths often make particularly responsive thugs; the Vanjarl of EA/MA Vanheim, Colossi Storm Captain of MA Phaeacia, and generic Golem with a Starshine Skullcap are common examples.

Magic phase movement cannot 'catch' opponents that go into stealth that turn. Conversely, stealthy units can fight in the magic phase if they attack the province they are currently in (without moving) at the same time as friendly commanders reach the province via rituals. If no commanders arrive during the magic phase, these stealthy units will instead fight during the normal phase.


Commander And Their Army