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2020/03/17 00:02
References for:
LA Agartha, Ktonian Dead
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
MA Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
MA Asphodel, Carrion Wood
EA Caelum, Eagle Kings
Caelum-Line Summons
EA Abysia, Children of Flame
MA Abysia, Blood and Fire
EA Agartha, Pale Ones
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
EA Arcoscephale, Golden Era
MA Arcoscpehale, Old Kingdom
MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
MA Asphodel, Carrion Woods
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
EA C'tis, Lizard Kings
EA Caelum, Eagle Kings
MA Caelum, Reign of the Seraphim
EA Ermor, the New Faith
LA Feminie, Sage-Queens
EA Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen
MA Ind, Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
EA Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
MA Marignon, Fiery Justice
EA Mekone, Brazen Giants
EA Mictlan, Reign of Blood
MA Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
EA Pangaea, Age of Revelry
MA Pangaea, Age of Bronze
MA Phlegra, Deformed Giants
MA Pythium, Emerald Empire
EA R'lyeh, Time of the Aboleths
EA Rus, Sons of Heaven
EA T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn
EA Therodos, Telkhine Spectre
MA T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
EA Ubar, Kingdom of the Unseen
EA Ur, The First City
MA Uruk, City States
EA Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun
Elemental Royalty
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
EA Kailasa, Rise of the Ape Kings
Magic Being
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
MA Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
LA Patala, Reign of the Nagas
LA Phlegra, Sleeping Giants
Choosing Your Chassis
EA R'lyeh, Time of Aboleths
LA R'lyeh, Dreamlands
MA R'lyeh, Fallen Star
Release Lord of Civilization
Regional Summons
EA Therodos, Telkhine Spectre
EA Ubar, Kingdom of the Unseen
Unit Abilities
EA Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun
raiding.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/03 00:43 by wigglefig