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2020/03/17 00:02
References for:
EA Abysia, Children of Flame
EA Berytos, The Phoenix Empire
EA Abysia, Children of Flame
EA Agartha, Pale Ones
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
MA Bandar Log, Land of the Apes
EA Berytos, The Phoenix Empire
LA Bogarus, Age of Heroes
LA Erytheia, Kingdom of Two Worlds
LA Gath, Last of the Giants
EA Helheim, Dusk and Death
MA Ind, Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
MA Jotunheim, Iron Woods
EA Lanka, Land of Demons
EA Machaka, Lion Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
MA Man, Tower of Avalon
EA Mictlan, Reign of Blood
LA Mictlan, Blood and Rain
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
LA Midgård, Age of Men
EA Muspelheim, Sons of Fire
MA Nidavangr, Bear, Wolf and Crow
EA Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
MA Oceania, Mermidons
LA Patala, Reign of the Nagas
MA Pelagia, Triton Kings
LA Piconye, Legacy of the Prester King
LA Pyrène, Cambion Kings
MA Pyrène, Time of the Akelarre
LA R'lyeh, Dreamlands
MA R'lyeh, Fallen Star
EA Rus, Sons of Heaven
MA Shinuyama, Land of the Bakemono
Soul Slay
EA T'ien Ch'i, Spring and Autumn
EA Therodos, Telkhine Spectre
MA T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
LA Utgård, Well of Urd
MA Vanarus, Land of the Chuds
EA Vanheim, Age of Vanir
MA Vanheim, Arrival of Man
LA Xibalba, Return of the Zotz
MA Xibalba, Flooded Caves
EA Yomi, Oni Kings
MA Ys, Morgen Queens
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
MA Jotunheim, Iron Woods
EA Lanka, Land of Demons
EA Machaka, Lion Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
MA Man, Tower of Avalon
EA Mictlan, Reign of Blood
LA Mictlan, Blood and Rain
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
EA Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
LA Patala, Reign of the Nagas
Choosing Your Chassis
EA Rus, Sons of Heaven
Shape Changer
MA Shinuyama - Land of the Bakemono
EA Therodos, Telkhine Spectre
Unit Abilities
LA Utgård, Well of Urd
MA Vanarus, Land of the Chuds
LA Xibalba, Return of the Zotz
MA Xibalba, Flooded Caves