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MA Vanheim, Arrival of Man


Vanheim is cold land seeped with magic. it takes its name from the Vanir, beings similar to elves; they are similar to humans, but far advanced in their command of perception and magic. If a human claimed to see a Van in Vanheim, none in Vanheim would doubt it, but the human probably wouldn't see them again. One can earn the prolonged attention of the Vanir through great deeds, but their gifts merely enable humans to do greater deeds; such is the Van ideal, an eternal warrior-paragon who never fades into history.

The Vanir are a storied people, though not an ascendant one. Even in the previous Age they were somewhat few, owing to a restlessness that had them constantly war with Jotunheim (and its old suzerain), humanity, and themselves. Their battles are largely won; Helheim has returned to the fold, the Niefel have given up, Vans rule humans in Vanarus, and the Jotuns have stopped fighting. Constant warring, raiding, and incivility has drained the Vanir of their blood, for the Vanir have been less-than-eager to sow. On the other hand, their human captives have formed full-fledged tribes who now willingly follow them.

"These are all nations sprung from old Norse myth. The Poetic Edda and some later tales, combined with general conceptions of Iron Age Scandinavia, are the main sources. Vanir, Aesir and Giants are ancient antagonists in these myths. The Aesir, being perceived as gods, have been made pretenders in Dominions. Not that Vanir weren't, but they seem less so than the Aesir in most instances. As with most nations of supernatural origin, it seems fitting that their magic fades with each passing age as humans become more and more numerous. Niefelheim, Jotunheim, and Utgård are part of the history of a single nation through the ages. Vanheim, Helheim and Midgård also share a common ancestry and development. In the middle era Helheim merges with Vanheim and disappears as an independent nation. Only the valkyries remain as reminders of the legacy of Helheim." -Illwinter

Vanheim is one of the original fourteen factions from Dominions: Priests, Prophets, and Pretenders. The others are Arcoscephale, Ermor, Pythium, Man, Ulm, Marignon, Abysia, Caelum, C'tis, Pangaea, Jotunheim, Atlantis, and R'lyeh.

General Overview

If you are considering picking this nation to play, what should you know?

National Features

Magic Access Alt. Access Unit Summary Core Abilities Buildings
air 33 (Rare 4)
earth 33 (Rare 4)
glamour 33 (Rare 4)
blood 22 (Rare 3)
fire 11 (Rare 2)
death 11 (Rare 2)
holy 22
air 33death 22glamour 22blood 22holy 22
air 44water 22earth 33
fire 22air 44earth 33
air 44earth 33nature 22
air 44earth 33death 22
(req. air 44earth 33)
Sailing Vikings
Strong Thugs
No Cheap Mages
Berserking Einheres
Mounted Elves
Flying Elf Sacreds
Standard Forts
Trace income across oceans

Capitol Gems: 1airgem3earthgem1glamourgem

National Special Features

Cold Limit + 1
Magic Limit + 1

Prefers Cold Scale + 1

Blood Sacrifice: Priests can sacrifice a blood slave at a temple to help extend the dominion.

Andvarian Dwarves: Vanheim has recruitable Master Smiths who can forge equipment one level higher than comparable mages, though only for magic paths they have. The smiths are slow to recruit, and not quite as flexible as the other mages of the nation, but they raise Vanheim's effective magic access for the purpose of getting items:

  • earth 44 (rare 5) ← There are only a few Earth items Vanheim can't make
  • fire 22 (rare 3)
  • death 22 (rare 3)

All of the smiths will at least have earth 33 in terms of forging, and the crosspaths they can get in conjunction with their smithing skill lets Vanheim make a wide variety of things… just not cheaply.

Vanheim is named for the Vanir, Size 3 (three-to-a-square) beings often considered elves. They stand out (or, more accurately, keep a low profile) with the art of Glamour, not to mention their Stealthy way of doing things. The least-trained of the Vanir still possess 13 HP, 11 Strength, 12 Attack Skill, 13 Defence Skill (naked), 12 Precision, 14 Magic Resistance, 11 Morale, and 13 Combat Speed (generally 10-12 when factoring in armor).

Most residents of Vanheim, however, are humans. They are completely average; 3 Encumbrance, 14 Map Movement, and 12 Combat Speed naked, and 10's in everything else (other than Protection, of which they have none while unarmored). Some humans in Vanheim are particularly unique, but this is due to intervention from the Vanir to make them more interesting.

National Units

The nation is made up of mostly Elves, long-lived and glamoured beings with high defense skill. The majority of your armies will be invisible on the strategic maps of other players, making you an ever-elusive threat that can steal land at any moment.


EA Vanheim's mage lineup largely lacks "efficient" spellcasters; all mages aside from the cap-only Dwarven Smith are skilled elves on horses and thus cost a heavy premium.

Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Gold 35
Stealthy (50)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Commentary here.
Gold 55
Commentary here.
Gold 230
air 11glamour 11holy 11rp 99
Stealthy (65)
Sailing (Max Size 5)
Skilled Rider (4)
Commentary here.
Gold 435
air 22glamour 11blood 11holy 22rp 1111
Stealthy (65)
Sailing (Max Size 5)
Skilled Rider (5)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse Sacred
Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Stealthy (65)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.
Dwarven Smith
Gold 195
Capital Only
earth 22random1100%
rp 1111
Darkvision (50%)
Master Smith (1)
Mountain Survival
Prophet Shape: Dwarf Elder
Commentary here.
Gold 600
Capital Only
air 22glamour 22blood 11holy 22random1100%
rp 1717
Stealthy (65)
Sailing (Max Size 5)
Skilled Rider (5)
Commentary here.


Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Gold 10
Commentary here.
Gold 10
Commentary here.
Gold 12
Commentary here.
Gold 12
Commentary here.
Gold 25
Berserker (+5)
Ambidextrous (1)
Commentary here.
Gold 25
Regeneration (10%)
Forest Survival
Werewolf (Wounded)
Commentary here.
Werewolf Regeneration (10%)
Forest Survival
Reverts after Battle
Commentary here.
Gold 45
Capital Only
Stealthy (65)
Commentary here.
Fay Boar
Gold 100
Capital Only
Supply Bonus (100)
Forest Survival
Commentary here.
Gold 55
Capital Only
Stealthy (65)
Skilled Rider (3)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse Sacred
Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Stealthy (65)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.


Image Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Farbaute - Einhere Berserker (+8)
Ambidextrous (3)
Commentary here.
Vanlade - Vanadrott
Earliest Arrival Turn (10)
air 33death 22glamour 22blood 22holy 22rp 2323
Resist Shock (5)
Stealthy (40)
Inspirational (1)
Sailing (Max Size 5)
Skilled Rider (5)
Commentary here.
Fay Horse Sacred
Poison Resistance (10)
Disease Resistance (100%)
Stealthy (65)
Smart Mount (100)
True Sight
Commentary here.


Magic Access

EA Vanheim is heavily focused on air, earth, and glamour magic, with a side gig in blood, fire and death.

Vanheim has access to the following paths for the purposes of rituals:



  • No astral magic
  • death 11 on Dwarven Smiths, death 22 via a Skull Staff (Master Smith)
  • No nature magic
  • glamour 33 on Vanadrotts, glamour 55 through all available non-artifact Boosters (glamour 33 → Gossamer Veil → earth 22glamour 11 + Master Smith → Mirage Crystal)


  • blood 22 on Vanadrotts, as much blood as required via empowering and boosters.
  • holy 22 on Vanadrotts

Lore of Legends

Going down Glamour lets a air 33glamour 22 Vanadrott with both Glamour boosters cast Lore of Legends, getting him up to air 44 for one turn so he can forge one of the Air boosters (Winged Helmet or Horn of Storms). Doing it twice, he can then summon a Queen of Elemental Air for air 77. You can also have a earth 22air 11 Dwarven Smith with both boosters and the Earth Boots craft a Staff of Elemental Mastery. This provides a +1 boost to all of the Elements, bringing Vanheim's elemental access up to fire 22, air 88, and earth 44 (earth 77 with Blood empowerment).

National Spells



Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Summon Valkyries
(Conjuration 6)
air 33death 11 and 1airgem

Valkyrie x 7
Stealthy (40)
Spirit Sight
Summons flying, glamoured sacreds. These can be useful for pressuring back lines in combat, but they can't be scripted (since they are summoned), making them equally likely to divebomb the enemy's frontlines or middle ranks instead. Blessing them is also tricky, requiring either a delay in casting Divine Blessing or a particular grouping of your other Sacred troops for the standard Blessing.


Summon Spell Unit Special Attributes Comments
Sloth of Bears
(Conjuration 3)
nature 22 and 6naturegem

Great Bear x 15+
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
Commentary here.
Awaken Draugar
(Conjuration 4)
death 22 and 12deathgem

Draug x 4
Resist Cold (25)
Resist Poison (25)
Cold Aura (3)
Fear (5)
Need Not Eat
Spirit Sight
Shapechanger Below HP (20) (Draug)
Commentary here.
Draug Same As Above
Shapechanger Above HP (25) (Draug)
Summon Dwarf of the Four Directions
(Conjuration 8)
air 44earth 33 and 62airgem

Dwarf of the North or
Dwarf of the South or
Dwarf of the East or
Dwarf of the West
air 44water 22earth 33rp 2323
fire 22air 44earth 33rp 2323
air 44earth 33nature 22rp 2323
air 44earth 33death 22rp 2323
Common Attributes:
Shock Resistance (22)
Darkvision (50%)
Master Smith (1-2)
Mountain Survival
Summons one of the four Dwarves of the Four Directions, powerful mages who have significant combat, ritual-casting and forging capabilities (air 44earth 33random2200% and Master Smith 1-2 (1: Water, Death. 2: Fire, Nature).
Also increases the likelihood of Hurricanes ravaging the world for each dwarf summoned. If all four dwarves are alive at once, the world is plunged into a Perpetual Storm and all battles will have Darkness over them; this is a somewhat roundabout manner to apply what amounts to two Global Enchantments at once, but the only way to dispel either effect is to kill one of them.

Note that only the Draug Ritual and the Valkyrie Combat Spell are natively available to Vanheim.

Magic Items

Your recruitable thugs are mounted mages that are really hard to hit. They probably don't need much extra prot and shouldn't have much more encumbrance as they will be casting spells, so armor isn't a priority. It's better to give them improved stabbing weapons (Fire Brand, or Frost Brand for AOE, Flesh Eater for anti thugging).

Vanheim can make Earth, Blood, and even the hard to make Air boosters. (Some rare Dwarven Smiths can forge Skull of Fire.) Vanhiem can even make a Robe of the Magi for late-game magic boosting.

National Discount Items

  • Dwarven Hammer (Construction 3)
    earth 33 and 15earthgem
    A quintessential item for forging. Having a Forge Discount on an item that gives you a Forge discount is an economic win.
  • Lightweight Scale Mail (Construction 3)
    air 11 and 4airgem
    Commentary here.
  • Cauldron of the Elven Halls (Construction 5)
    glamour 33 and 15glamourgem
    If your glamoured army does get reported by a scout or contains non-glamoured units, only a fraction will be reported. If you are into mind-game strategies, having a massive army mistaken as a small raiding party grants you a greater level of surprise.
  • Weightless Scale Mail (Construction 7)
    air 11 and 4airgem
    Commentary here.


How to win as the nation. Feel free to use the following sections, or delete them, or change them.


Different expansion options.

Early Game

Early game options.

Mid Game

Mid game options.

Late Game

Late game options.

Example Pretender Builds

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3

Format for putting a pretender build in.

Chassis: Awake Titan of Crossroads
Paths: astral 44death 55nature 77
Bless: MW/Arcane Finesse, Invuln 10, Regen.
Scales: Dominion strength6Turmoil2Productivity0Heat3Death1Misfortune2Magic3


What are the nation's weaknesses?

See More

dom6/vanheim-ma.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/26 13:24 by fenrir