Dominions 6 has a multitude of nations from different cultural backgrounds (Norse, Greek, Roman, Asian, African, Arabic, …), spread over the Early, Middle, and Late Ages.
Pyrène, Kingdom of the Bekrydes
Rus, Sons of Heaven
Ubar, Kingdom of the Unseen
Ulm, Enigma of Steel
Ur, The First City
Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
Ind, Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
Man, Tower of Avalon
Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun
Ulm, Forges of Ulm
Ys, Morgen Queens
Gath, Last of the Giants
Man, Towers of Chelms
Piconye, Legacy of the Prester King
Ulm, Black Forest
Nations Through the Ages
list ages and nations in some neat way similar to this image
Nation Types
While these nations may be thematically distinct from one another, in terms of gameplay, most can be categorised into various archetypes. Some nations fit into several different archetypes, and many strategies may favour one of these over the others.
Underwater and Amphibious Nations
Underwater nations start beneath the waves. They frequently have access to powerful Water and Astral magic. Underwater nations may be difficult to attack, but on the other hand, these nations can struggle to get a foothold on land, and cannot recruit national units in inland forts. Underwater nations lack conventional ranged weapons, and rarely use iron, though some have exotic alternatives to either or both of these. Underwater nations may have limited but highly valuable recruitment options in coastal fortresses.
Closely related are amphibious nations - these start on land, but have special recruitment options in underwater fortresses. Most underwater nations have either disappeared or been driven onto land by R'lyeh in the Late Age.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Atlantis: Powerful Atlantean Basalt Kings with mighty elemental magic and deadly warriors from the depths
R'lyeh: Aquatic Aboleths and their thralls with powerful astral and water magic
Oceania: A nation of wild, sea dwelling half-men and animals with elemental and nature magic
Pelagia: Ancient aquatic tritons kings and armored hoplites with powerful water magic
Therodos: Population killing nation of semi-divine sea dwellers and ghosts with elemental and nature magic
Middle Age
Atlantis: Atlantean Kings of the Deep and armored shamblers with mighty elemental and astral magic
R'lyeh: Amphibious Illithids and their slaves with powerful astral communions
Oceania: A nation of armored sea dwelling half-men and animals with elemental and nature magic
Pelagia: Ancient aquatic Tritons and heavily armored mermen with powerful water magic
Ys: Badass amphibious elves on flaming steeds team up with Irish mermen
Late Age
Atlantis: Atlantean Priest Kings and elite infantry with elemental and death magic
Erytheia: Pelagian descended amphibious mermen and aquatic Tritions with powerful elemental and astral communions
Patala: Powerful amphibious Naga mages with water, earth and astral magic and numerous monkeys
Lemuria: Population killing ghostly legionnaires with immortal death and astral mages
Xibalba: Amphibious Atlanteans with water and earth magic and flying bats with blood and death magic
Jomon: A nation of human Samurai, with powerful and highly important underwater recruitment options. (This nation does have a hard time getting underwater without an amphibious awake expander)
R'lyeh: Population killing amphibious Illithids and their insane slaves with powerful astral magic
Cave Nations
Cave nations start underground in the cave layer (if map placement allows) and have several units added to the cave province pool.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Middle Age
Late Age
Blood Nations
Blood nations depend to varying degree on collecting blood slaves and sacrificing them to call forth demons from Hell. As many of the more powerful blood spells come later in the game and they have to build up their blood economy, they often (but not necessarily) have a weaker early game, but a very powerful late game. They are more powerful in the Late Age, where the population is generally larger, but there are powerful Early Age blood nations as well.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire magic
Berytos: Giant worshiping & blood sacrificing Phoenicians with superb magic access
Helheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and death magic
Hinnom: Bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and godlike Fallen Angels
Lanka: Bloodthirsty demon gorillas with sorcerous magic and undead reanimators
Mictlan: Murderous Aztec mages with powerful sacred demons and (were) animals
Niefelheim: Tough frost giants and old hags with deathly sorcery magic
Pangaea: Woodland nation with Centaurs, Satyrs and strong nature magic
Sauromatia: Martial amazons, bloodthirsty Witch Kings and poisonous hydras
Ubar: Genies and their descendants, including Shaytan from Arabic myth
Vanheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and earth magic
Xibalba: cave-dwelling bat people and demons with dangerous sacred demon summons
Middle Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire, astral and blood magic
Jotunheim: Tough giants, numerous goblins and old hags wielding dreadful sorcery
Pangaea: Woodland nation with armored Centaurs, Satyrs and strong nature magic
Vanarus: Viking elves and werebears based on the history of Kyivan Rus', with access to all magic paths but astral
Vanheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and earth magic
Xibalba: Amphibious Atlanteans with water and earth magic and flying bats with blood and death magic
Late Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire, astral and blood magic
Bogarus: Frosty Russian zealots, Mounted knights with hooded fire, air, and sorcerous occultic mages.
Gath: Bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and mighty Angels
Marignon: Fanatic inquisitors, demons, and Fallen Angels
Mictlan: Murderous Aztec mages with powerful sacred demons and (were) animals
Midgard: Badass Viking elves and shapeshifters with strong air, earth, and blood magic
Ragha: Iceclad Caelians and heat-loving Turans with powerful air and fire magic
Ulm: Dark cultists, Vampires, and Ulmish plate infantry with astral, death, and blood magic
Utgard: Tough giants, Norse Huskarls, and witches wielding dreadful sorcery
Vaettiheim: Sneaky and prolific forest goblins led by giants
Xibalba: Amphibious Atlanteans with water and earth magic and flying bats with blood and death magic
Communion Nations
Communion nations rely on their large mage corps using communions to pool their power to reach high levels of magic and carry the battle. Many of the nations have a Mediterranean theme to them (e.g. Greek, Roman) and often field massive armies of Legionaries and Hoplites led by mages. Most of these nations are composed of humans or similarly fragile races. (blood nations have thier own separate form of communion but kept in thier own section for simplicity).
Sample Nations
Early Age
Arcoscephale: Hellenic Hoplites, flying Pegasus Riders with elemental and astral communion mages as well as nature spirits
Ermor: Roman legionaries led by a cabal of fire, astral and death mages
Kailasa: Semi-divine celestials and uncivilized apes with powerful elemental and astral magic
Marverni: Celtic barbarians with powerful magic tattoos and mighty earth and astral druids
Pelagia: Ancient aquatic tritons kings and armored hoplites with powerful water magic
Rlyeh: Aquatic Aboleths and their thralls with powerful astral and water magic
Sauromatia: Martial amazons, bloodthirsty Witch Kings and poisonous hydras
Middle Age
Arcoscephale: Hellenic hoplites, elephants, and communion mages with powerful elemental and astral magic
Bandar Log: Civilized apes, summoned Nagas and semi-divine celestials
Man: Enthralling Witches with air magic and nature communions, mystical Knights of Avalon and legions of Longbow Archers
Marignon: Fiery fanatic inquisitors, loyal knights, and powerful Angels of the Heavenly Host
Phaeacia: Seafaring Demi giant Colossi with potent elemental and astral magic
Phlegra: Deranged spartan giants with devastating elemental magic and auto-communions
Pythium: Powerful communions, Roman legionaries, and Angels of the Heavenly Choir
Rlyeh: Amphibious Illithids and their slaves with powerful astral communions
Sceleria: Roman necromancer communions leading living and undead legionaries
Tien Chi: Mighty Chinese elemental and astral communions with well-equipped masses of infantry and elite cavalry
Uruk: Horned demi-giants with helmets and powerful astral magic
Late Age
Arcoscephale: Powerful elemental and sorcery communions with hoplite armies and war elephants
Erytheia: Pelagian descended amphibious mermen and aquatic Tritions with powerful elemental and astral communions
Jomon: Destructive Japanese elemental and astral mages, dragon shapeshifters and fragile samurai
Man: Feudal Kingdom of Man led by scholarly elemental and astral mages
Rlyeh: Population killing amphibious Illithids and their insane slaves with powerful astral magic
Pangaea: Woodland nation with armored Centaurs, Satyrs, nature & earth Pan mages and astral communions
Patala: Powerful amphibious Naga mages with water, earth and astral magic and numerous monkey & apes
Pythium: Roman Serpent Cult mages with diverse magic, poisonous Hydras and legionaries
Tien Chi: Barbaric horse lords and shamans with air and death magic supported by conquered Chinese elemental and astral mages
Elf-like Nations
Elf-like nations have long-lived and glamoured units, often fielding powerful Glamour magic and dangerous cavalry. Due to their stealthiness, Elf-like nations are excellent raiders who are able to mount massive preemptive strikes and raid enemy provinces at will.
You might want to take a look at the elf strategy video by Perun.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Fomoria: Cursed giants with magical humans and elves with strong air, Glamour, and death magic
Helheim: Viking elves, dwarven smiths, and Valkyries with strong Glamour, Earth and death magic
Tir Na Nog: Glamoured Irish elves with potent Glamour and nature magic
Vanheim: Viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air, Glamour, and earth magic
Middle Age
Eriu: Glamoured Irish elves with potent Glamour and nature magic
Vanarus: Ferocious werebears and Norsemen with access to all magic paths but astral
Vanheim: Viking elves, dwarven smiths, Valkyries and Einhere with air and earth magic
Ys: Badass amphibious elves on flaming steeds team up with Irish mermen
Late Age
Stealth Nations
Like the difference discussed between Giant and Demi-Giant nations, Stealth Nations are similar to Elf-like, as most of their prominent units have stealth. They can Raid like Elves but lack most other Elven qualities. Additionally, Raids sent out by Stealth Nations are easier to detect than Elven raids. Stealth Nations often have other traits that contrast them with Elves.
You might want to take a look at the elf strategy video by Perun.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Middle Age
Bandar Log:
Late Age
Flying Nations
These nations can recruit mostly flying units, which makes them very mobile and dangerous to fight against. Due to the siege bonus flying units receive they are excellent in sieges, breaking down or holding up fort walls with vigor.
You might want to take a look at the flier strategy video by Perun.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Middle Age
Late Age
Caelum: Wicked winged birdmen with powerful air and death magic and divine summons
Ragha: Magma-born Abysians with fire, blood and death magic or ice-clad Caelians with air, water and astral magic
Xibalba: Lightly armored bat people and Atlanteans with diverse magic
Giant and Demi-Giant Nations
Nations with mostly Demi-Giant (size 4-5) or Giant (size 6-9) recruits. They field fewer units compared to nations of human size, but each unit is a lot tougher and stronger.
You might want to take a look at the giant strategy video by Perun.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Atlantis: Powerful Atlantian Basalt Kings with mighty elemental magic and deadly warriors from the depths
Agartha: Amphibious cyclopes with strong elemental and decent death magic
Kailasa: Semi divine celestials and uncivilized apes with powerful elemental and astral magic
Lanka: Bloodthirsty demon gorillas with sorcerous magic and undead reanimators
Hinnom: Giant bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and godlike Fallen Angels
Mekone: Spartan giants with powerful elemental magic and cyclops smiths
Niefelheim: Tough frost giants and old hags with deathly sorcery magic
Ur: Horned Sumerian half giants with elemental, nature and death magic
Fomoria: Cyclopes of giant & half-giant size with strong death & air magic, supported by elves
Ubar: Unseen flying half-giant genies with fire & air magic, joined by stronger genies later in the game
R'lyeh: Giant psychic fish commanding armies of lobotomized Atlantians with their mighty psychic powers
Middle Age
Agartha: Amphibious cave-dwelling cyclopes with mighty earth magic and tough stone statues
Ashdod: Descendants of the Nephilim with powerful magic and angelic summons
Jotunheim: Tough giants, numerous goblins and old hags wielding dreadful sorcery
Phaeacia: Sea faring half giant Colossi with potent elemental and astral magic
Phlegra: Deranged spartan giants with devastating elemental magic and automatic communions
Na'ba: Half-giants of Avvim & Jinnun descent, led by queens with powerful fire & air magic
Uruk: Horned Sumerian half giants with helmets and powerful astral magic
Atlantis: Coral-equipped Atlantians with powerful water magic and some astral magic
Late Age
Gath: Bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and mighty Angels
Patala: Powerful amphibious Naga mages with water, earth and astral magic and numerous monkeys
Utgard: Tough giants, Norse Huskarls and witches wielding dreadful sorcery
Vaettiheim: Renegades of Utgard accompanied by vast hordes of tiny goblins
Magic Paths
If you want to use specific magic paths, you get an overview over recruitable national magic here:
Sample Nations
Early Age Magic
*Hinnom also has A2N2, Atlantis has no blood magic
Middle Age Magic
Late Age Magic
Super Combatant Nations
These nations can recruit powerful Giant mages which, when equipped with specific items and spells, can single handedly take on enemy armies (e.g. Tartarians).
Sample Nations
Early Age
Atlantis: Atlantean Basalt Kings with mighty elemental magic.
Fomoria: Amphibious Fomorian Kings with powerful air and death magic.
Hinnom: Melquarts and Ba'als of Nephilim descent with fire, earth and astral magic as well as godlike fallen angels.
Mekone: Fire resistant Elder Cyclopes with elemental magic.
Niefelheim: Niefel Jarls with deadly frost auras and water, death and air magic.
Ubar: Powerful unseen genies.
Yomi: Dai Oni samurai demons with elemental and death magic.
Middle Age
Ashdod: Adons of Nephilim descent with fire, earth and astral magic as well as angelic summons.
Jotunheim: Tough Skratti werewolves, giants, numerous goblins and old hags wielding dreadful sorcery.
Phlegra: Tough berserking Phlegran Tyrants with elementals and death magic and Elder Cyclopes.
Late Age
Gath: Kohen Gadol of Nephilim descent with fire, earth and astral magic as well as angelic summons.
Phlegra: Godlike berserking Laestrygonian Tyrants with elemental and death magic and Cyclops Smiths.
Utgard: Tough Skratti werewolves, giants and old hags wielding dreadful sorcery.
Temperature Theme
Nations that have a native temperature preference or prefer temperatures due to their race (e.g. heat for cold blooded, cold for undead).
Sample Nations
Early Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire magic
Agartha: Cold blooded amphibious cyclopes with strong elemental and decent death magic
Berytos: Giant worshiping & blood sacrificing Phoenicians with superb magic access
Ctis: Egyptian necromancer lizardmen with strong death and nature magic
Hinnom: Giant bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and godlike Fallen Angels
Kailasa: Semi divine celestials and uncivilized apes with powerful elemental and astral magic
Lanka: Bloodthirsty demon gorillas with sorcerous magic and undead reanimators
Machaka: Totemic human clans with fatal fire and death magic
Mictlan: Murderous Aztec mages with powerful sacred demons and (were) animals
Ur: Horned Sumerian half giants with elemental, nature and death magic
Middle Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire, astral and blood magic
Agartha: Cold blooded amphibious cyclopes with mighty earth magic and tough stone statues
Ashdod: Descendants of the Nephilim with powerful magic and angelic summons
Bandar Log: Civilized apes, summoned Nagas and semi divine celestials
Ctis: Egyptian necromancer lizardmen with strong death and nature magic
Machaka: Arachnophile totemic human clans with fatal fire and death magic
Mictlan: Murderous Aztec mages and sacred warriors with powerful astral and nature magic
Phaeacia: Sea faring half giants with potent air and astral magic
Uruk: Horned Sumerian half giants with helmets and powerful astral magic
Xibalba: Amphibious Atlanteans with water and earth magic and cold blooded flying bats with blood and death magic
Late Age
Abysia: Magma-born humans with heavy armor and destructive fire, astral and blood magic
Ctis: Egyptian necromancer lizardmen with strong death magic and reanimator priests
Erytheia: Pelagian descended amphibious mermen and aquatic Tritions with powerful elemental and astral communions
Gath: Bloodthirsty descendants of the Nephilim and mighty Angels
Mictlan: Murderous Aztec mages with powerful sacred demons and (were) animals
Patala: Powerful amphibious Naga mages with water, earth and astral magic and numerous monkeys
Xibalba: Amphibious Atlanteans with water and earth magic and cold blooded flying bats with blood and death magic
Sample Nations
Early Age
Caelum: Divine descended winged birdmen with powerful air magic and summons
Helheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and death magic
Niefelheim: Tough frost giants and old hags with deathly sorcery magic
Rus: Ferocious werebears with thunder, fire and nature magic
Therodos: Population killing nation of semi-divine sea dwellers and undead ghosts with elemental and nature magic
Vanheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and earth magic
Middle Age
Asphodel: Population killing Pan necromancers, vengeful centaurs and undead carrion with nature and death magic
Caelum: Winged iceclad birdmen with powerful air magic and diverse summons
Ermor: Population killing roman nation with undead legionnaires and powerful death mages
Jotunheim: Tough giants, numerous goblins and old hags wielding dreadful sorcery
Nazca: Winged humans and undead necromancers with powerful magic
Sceleria: Roman necromancers with living and undead legionaries
Vanarus: Ferocious werebears and Norsemen with access to all magic paths but astral
Vanheim: Badass viking elves and dwarven smiths with strong air and earth magic
Late Age
Atlantis: Atlantean Priest Kings and elite infantry with elemental and death magic
Caelum: Wicked winged birdmen with powerful air and death magic and divine summons
Midgard: Badass viking elves and shapeshifters with strong air, earth and blood magic
Utgard: Tough giants, Norse Huskarls and witches wielding dreadful sorcery
Bogarus: Frosty rusian zealots and armored knights with fire, air and sorcerous magic
Undead and Demon Nations
Nations with either undead, ghosts or demons units, or priests that can reanimate masses of undead.
Sample Nations
Early Age
Lanka: Bloodthirsty demon gorillas with sorcerous magic and undead reanimators
Therodos: Population killing nation of semi-divine sea dwellers and ghosts with elemental and nature magic
Xibalba: Cave-dwelling bat people and demons with dangerous sacred demon summons
Yomi: Giant samurai demons with elemental and death magic
Middle Age
Asphodel: Population killing Pan necromancers, vengeful centaurs and undead carrion with nature and death magic
Ermor: Population killing roman nation with undead legionnaires and powerful death mages
Nazca: Winged humans and undead necromancers with powerful magic
Sceleria: Roman necromancers with living and undead legionaries
Late Age
Original post: Dominions 5: Nation Categories