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2020/03/17 00:02
References for:
EA Agartha, Pale Ones
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
LA Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance
MA Arcoscephale, The Old Kingdom
MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
MA Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
LA Bogarus, Age of Heroes
EA Agartha, Pale Ones
LA Agartha, Ktonian Dead
MA Agartha, Golem Cult
LA Arcoscephale, Sibylline Guidance
MA Arcoscephale, Old Kingdom
MA Ashdod, Reign of the Anakim
MA Atlantis, Kings of the Deep
LA Bogarus, Age of Heroes
Event Traits
MA Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
EA Ermor, the New Faith
LA Gath, Last of the Giants
EA Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen
MA Ind, Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
MA Jotunheim, Iron Woods
EA Machaka, Lion Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
MA Man, Tower of Avalon
EA Marverni, Time of Druids
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
LA Midgård, Age of Men
EA Muspelheim, Sons of Fire
MA Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
MA Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun
EA Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
MA Phlegra, Deformed Giants
MA Pythium, Emerald Empire
EA Rus, Sons of Heaven
EA Sauromatia, Amazon Queens
MA T'ien Ch'i, Imperial Bureaucracy
LA Ulm, Black Forest
EA Ur, The First City
MA Uruk, City States
LA Utgård, Well of Urd
LA Vaettiheim, Wolf Kin Jarldom
MA Vanarus, Land of the Chuds
EA Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun
LA Xibalba, Return of the Zotz
MA Eriu, Last of the Tuatha
EA Ermor the New Faith
fortune teller
LA Gath, Last of the Giants
Darkwolf's Good Turn Habits
EA Hinnom, Sons of the Fallen
MA Ind, Magnificent Kingdom of Exalted Virtue
MA Ind - Giants of the Lost Tribe
MA Ind - Men of Great Orionde
MA Ind - Little Horned Men of Piconye
LA Jomon, Human Daimyos
MA Jotunheim, Iron Woods
EA Machaka, Lion Kings
MA Machaka, Reign of Sorcerors
MA Man, Tower of Avalon
EA Marverni, Time of Druids
MA Mictlan, Reign of the Lawgiver
LA Midgård, Age of Men
MA Na'Ba, Queens of the Desert
MA Nazca, Kingdom of the Sun
EA Niefelheim, Sons of Winter
Choosing Your Chassis
MA Pythium, Emerald Empire
Random Events
Release Lord of Civilization
EA Sauromatia, Amazon Queens
MA T'ien Ch'i Imperial Bureaucracy
LA Ulm, Black Forest
Unit Abilities
EA Ur, the First City
MA Uruk, City States
LA Utgård, Well of Urd
LA Vaettiheim, Wolf Kin Jarldom
EA Xibalba, Vigil of the Sun
LA Xibalba, Return of the Zotz
taorec-bless-strategies.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/26 11:38 by dude