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EA Lanka, Land of Demons


Lanka is the kingdom of the Rakshasas, beings loosely-related to the Yakshas of Mount Kailasa. They are worldly descendants of various Asuras, fallen beings who fought with the Devas (also known as "Suras") in ages past, before both groups gradually moved on from their bickering and left the world; the Yakshas retreated to Mount Kailasa, the mountain where their superiors left for the Celestial Spheres, while the Rakshasas fortified on the island of Lanka.

Such an arrangement was not to last, for apes of uncanny brightness evolved on the continent, and the Rakshasas saw them as useful pawns and snacks. Though the Yakshas probably had more of a hand in the evolution of the apes, the Rakshasas were the first to meddle with them in-person, seducing some by appealing to their baser instincts and cowing most of the rest. They found the Bandar apes especially appealing, given their strength and their violent natures, and some even bred with them to produce darker-than-average Bandar known as the Kala-Mukhas. The more-common Vanara weren't shown the same favor, especially not the white-furred ones who ultimately stirred the Yakshas against Lanka.

Rakshasas are not quite a uniform race, possibly due to their chaotic nature, and few directly answer to the Raksharajas (kings) of Lanka. Even the common Rakshasas must be hired with Blood Slaves instead of gold, in tricky arrangements personally handled by Lanka's sorcerers. Rakshasas don't innately make things worse by existing, unlike the Oni, but that can be a bit annoying since they like when things are worse.

In Hindu myths, Lanka was the kingdom first established by the Rakshasa Sumali, then taken and made what it was by Kubera (King of the Yakshas), and then stolen by his half-brother Ravana. Ravana then stole a lady named Sita, wife of the legendary prince Rama, sparking a series of events leading to Lanka being burned down by a single Vanara and Ravana being killed. Not all Rakshasas are evil in Hindu myth, but most of them have ferocious appetites and a taste for live creatures.

General Overview

Lanka is one of the early era blood powers. As a nation it is made up of Markata, Atavi, Bandar and demons. Lanka is able to field very hard hitting demons and Bandar warriors, or instead field large amounts of Markata or undead chaff. It is notable for its cheap blood 1 mages, strong and sacred blood summons, demon thugs, and demon supercombatants. They have excellent death, air and blood mages, with strong access to nature. Most of Lanka's demon units are weak to fire- even though Lanka has a heat preference! Many of their demonic troops also have chaos power where they gain attack, strength and defense in turmoil and unrest. They also can reanimate undead for chaff as needed with their priests.

National Features

Special Race Attributes Military Magic Access Priests Buildings
Prefers 2
Stealthy Monkeys
Strong Gorillas
Fire-vulnerable Demons
Stealthy Monkey Raiders
Gorilla Infantry
Sacred Demons
air 33 (Rare 4)
death 22 (Uncommon 3, rare 4)
nature 22 (Uncommon 3, rare 4)
blood 33 (Rare 4)
holy 22 in Forts
holy 33 Summons
Reanimator Priest
Standard Forts (Fortress)
  • Improved blood hunting in turmoil: +1 slave per scale point.
  • Mercenaries are 25% more expensive.

Capital Sites

Sri Pada Lanka
Enables recruitment of Rakshasi and Raksharaja
Produces 3deathgem1airgem per turn
Enables recruitment of Asara, Anusara and Palankasha
Produces 2naturegem per turn

National Units

Lanka's troops are split into two broad camps: the lower monkey castes (Markata and Vanara), and the Bandar and Demons. The former are stealthy but generally poor troops, while the latter hit very hard but have at most moderate protection. Notably all of Lanka's demons (including its summons) have Chaos Power, making them much stronger in turmoil and much weaker in order dominion.

Lanka's commander lineup provides some powerful tools to a blood nation of the Early Ages. The Raktapata is an exceptionally gold-efficient blood hunter, reanimator and even researcher (in the right scales), the Rakshasi is a deadly seducer/assassin and the Raksharaja is a good (if expensive) recruitable thug. Even better, they make Lanka's plethora of useful blood summons easily available in comparison to the later monkey nations.

Unfortunately being a monkey nation means that many of Lanka's recruitable units have both the Animal tag and low Magic Resistance, making them rather vulnerable to Charm Animal. Fortunately, Lanka's stronger mages and most of its summons are demons instead of animals; on the other hand this makes them weak to demon counters like the Holy Scourge and Cleansing Water. Lanka's demons are also Fire Vulnerable, a problem which they cannot solve with their native magic paths.


Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
Markata Scout
Stealthy (60)
Mountain Survival
Forest Survival
A cheaper, stealthier scout.
Atavi Chieftain
+ Forest Rec
Stealthy (40)
Forest Survival
A stealthy 40 leadership commander. Also an expensive way of massing scouts outside of forts in the scout-deficient Early Ages.
Bandar Commander
Forest Survival
80 leadership commander.
Forest Survival
120 leadership commander.
blood 11holy 11 7
Forest Survival
Reanimator Priest
10 leadership mage-priest. Comparable to EA/LA Mictlan's Mictlan Priest, though more expensive due to the chassis and abilities. The Raktapata is a versatile mage, being a cheap blood hunter, Sabbath slave/master and bless-bestower, as well as a gold-efficient researcher (especially in magic scales) and reanimator.
death 11nature 22blood 11 13
Supply Bonus (+20)
Forest Survival
Reanimator Priest
Lanka's fastest way of transforming gold into research points. They bring death and nature magic into sabbaths, and can also do moderate nature magic as standalone casters.
blood 11holy 22random1100% 9
Darkvision (50%)
Gluttony (1)
Forest Survival
Reanimator Priest
An improved Raktapata; gains better priest abilities (notably Lanka's easiest way to communion into holy 33), reanimating power and sabbath master versatility, but is over twice as expensive.

Capital Only
air 11death 11nature 11blood 11holy 11random2100%
Fire Vulnerability (5)
Stealthy (40)
Chaos Power (1)
Darkvision (100%)
Supply Bonus (2)
Shapechanger (Manushya Rakshasi)
Seduction (Morale vs 9, Manushya shape only)
Need not Eat
Forest Survival
Reanimator Priest
A powerful seducer/assassin due to their path spread, but expensive and difficult to mass. Also provides access to the crosspath and has a small chance of gaining nature 33 or death 33.
Capital Only
air 22death 11blood 22holy 22random1100%
Fire Vulnerability (5)
Chaos Power (1)
Darkvision (100%)
Gluttony (7)
Need not Eat
Forest Survival
Reanimator Priest
Expensive but competent thug and combat mage. Adds air and death magic to sabbaths as a Sabbath Master.


Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
+ Forest Rec
Forest Survival
Highly massable ultra-light undisciplined infantry. Sticks and stones attack does a negligible 2 blunt damage.
Markata Archer
+ Forest Rec
One of the cheapest short bow units in the game, but has abysmal strength which affects short bow damage.
Atavi Archer
+ Forest Rec
Stealthy (40)
Forest Survival
Stealthy. Very cheap short bow to mass.
Atavi Infantry
+ Forest Rec
Stealthy militia with a moderate damage mace. Their Sticks and Stones attack is better than the Markata's, but still negligible against all but the lightest of units.
Light Bandar Archer
Forest Survival
A naked but strong archer. The high strength gives this unit a very damaging Long Bow attack. Will struggle to trade archer fire efficiently due to lack of armor.
Bandar Warrior
Versatile medium infantry. Has a small shield and modest body armor but no helmet. High HP and strength with a high damage melee attack and rather high damage Sticks and Stones attacks.
Capital Only
Chaos Power (1)
Darkvision (100%)
Gluttony (1)
Eyes (1)
Forest Survival
High health but naked sacred with a javelin. Asaras are the most vulnerable of all the Lanka sacreds to melee and ranged attacks. They have a javelin and high strength and are capable of taking out a few units at range before charging into melee.
Capital Only
Chaos Power (1)
Darkvision (100%)
Forest Survival
Need Not Eat
High health but naked sacred with a shield.
They are cheaper than the Palankasha and much more mobile than the rest of Lanka's roster (they could be used like light Calvery).
Like the Asara, the Anusara hits hard but is very vulnerable to incoming attacks.
Kala-Mukha Warrior
Darkvision (50%)
Gluttony (1)
Forest Survival
Sacred medium infantry with a high damage attack. Rather expensive but recruitable outside the capital; comparable cost to MA Marignon's Knight of the Chalice but has lower attack density, protection and Defence skill.
The only Lankan unit that wears a hat.

Notably has neither the Demon tag nor Chaos Power, which may be relevant when opponents are fielding demon counters/have order dominion.
Capital Only
Chaos Power (1)
Gluttony (2)
Darkvision (100%)
Forest Survival
The highest damage output of all of Lanka's sacreds and more durable due to light armor. Has impressive stats in provinces with high turmoil/unrest.


Lanka has the possibility of reanimation which is a big strength for the nation. The chance to get a national longdead for Lanka is 75%, otherwise you get a common longdead. All units have the longdead suite of abilities: Undead, Resist Cold (15), Resist Poison (25), Inanimate, Pierce Resistance, Poor Amphibian, Spirit Sight, Mindless, Need not Eat, Never Heals.

Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
Longdead Markata
Chance to get 12/21
These are your patrol chaff and you need plenty of it as Lanka. Despite having 11 attack/defence skill, the 3 hp makes them die to just about anything in combat, they can also barely deal any damage. Their only use in combat is tar pit chaff.
Longdead Vanara
Chance to get 1/21
Same as the Longdead Markata but 5 hp and less defence skill.
Longdead Vanara Warrior
Chance to get 1/21
Brings a mace to the fight which means it has a base damage of 16 and is as deadly as a regular longdead with a sword against regular units.
Longdead Vanara Warrior
Chance to get 1/21
Same as the Longdead Vanara Warrior but comes with actual body armor and a (bad) shield.
Longdead Bandar
Chance to get 2/21
With 12 attack skill and 21 damage, these have significant killing power. With 11 HP and piercing resistance, these may be able to take a hit (or two with good drn rolls) despite the low protection. Preferable try to make these not take the brunt of the enemy units attacks but rather flank/reinforce.
Longdead Bandar Warrior
Chance to get 2/21
Same as Longdead Bandar but with body armor and a (bad) shield.
Longdead Bandar Warrior
Chance to get 2/21
This is your creme de la creme of longdeads. 12 attack skill paired with 26 damage means this has the means to damage and kill most elite enemy units.


Sprite Unit Name Abilities Comments
Bapu - Apostate Raja holy 22
Fear (5)
Pillager (25)
Reanimator Priest
Not Mindless
Not Pierce Resistant


Magic Access

National Spells


  • Lanka does not have any national combat spells.


  • Conjuration 3 nature 22 for 10naturegem: Ambush of Tigers ( Tiger×10+[lvl]).
  • Conjuration 3 nature 22 for 10naturegem: Herd of Buffalo ( Buffalo×5+[1/2]).
  • Conjuration 3 nature 22 for 25naturegem: Herd of Elephants ( Elephant×5+[1/2]).

Evil Spirits
Summonable Undead ghost. Each of its members have the following traits:

Img Unit Name Special Attributes Comments
Conj 3
astral 22
2astralpearl for 3
Awe (+4)
Standard (1)
A naked cloud nymph, the Apsara encourages your other troops.
She can also avoid melee hits fairly well, but that's about it.
Summoned by Summon Apsaras
Conj 4
nature 22earth 11
earth 33nature 11holy 11random1100%
Awe (+1)
Supply Bonus (10)
In case you're rolling in and Commander Points are being a drag…
Well… here you go.
Summoned by Contact Yaksha (the EARTH)
and Contact Yakshini (the WATER)

*Conjuration 2 death 11 for 12deathgem: Host of Ganas ( Gana×20)
These Ghost monkeys are very mage turn efficient units to mass, costing 0.6deathgem per Gana. They are perhaps most notable for having magic weapons and being ethereal. Not inflicting a tremendous amount of damage themselves, they can be a very effective screen vs units that have no magic weapons. Being ethereal and having a shield, they are also effective vs archers.

  • Conjuration 5 death 22 for 10deathgem: Summon Vetalas ( Possessed Corpse×10)
    Cheap death summons with a second ethereal form (the Vetala) that has an armor-piercing life drain attack as well as an attack that feebleminds the target. Like all second-form troops that survive, the unit will revert to the first form after the battle. Notably Well protected with the first form has some armor and a buckler while the second form is ethereal.

Demon Units

  • Blood 1 blood 11 for 10bloodslave: Summon Rakshasas ( Rakshasa×3). Like your other national Demen apes, they are Sacred with Chaos Power Vulnerable to Fire. The Rakshasa is available very early (blood 1) and has two claw attacks but quite low protection. In turmoil 3, it will hit twice for 22 damage with 16 attacks. When attack density is needed over raw damage, they might be preferable to Rakshasa Warriors. They also have quite high HP pools at 28.
  • Blood 2 blood 11nature 11 for 50bloodslave: Feast of Flesh ( Praghasa×15). The Praghasa is very similar to the rakshasa but is more mage turn efficient to summon and has notably more HP (35). This unit is the most efficient way to turn blood slaves into sacred HP in Lanka. So while it has higher strength and HP than the Rakshasa, it gives up its two attacks in favor of a single mace attack.
  • Blood 3 blood 22 for 11bloodslave: Summon Asrapas ( Asrapa×3)
    Asrapas are quite cheap compared to other Lankan summonses. While having no protection, they have a rather good attack and defense stats and a built-in life-draining magic weapon as well as a kick. This gives asrapa better attack density than other Lankan summonses. Once berserk, in turmoil 3, their athame will be 20 attacks and 23 magic damage and their kick will be 18 attacks and 19 damage. They also do no have fire vulnerability, unlike most Lankan demons. Asrapas can also be gift of reasoned to be turned into commanders at which point they gain a Hidden which matter mores other nations with this spell.
  • Blood 4 blood 22 for 25bloodslave: Summon Rakshasa Warriors ( Rakshasa Warrior×5)
    The Rakshasa warrior is the middle ground between the expensive well equipped elite summons and cheap poorly equipped summons. Costing only 5 slaves per unit yet still having decent armor and a high damage two-handed cudgel, the Rakshasa Warrior a very compelling middle-of-the-road option for trade-offs between quality and price.
  • Blood 5 blood 22death 11 for 33bloodslave: Summon Sandhyabalas ( Sandhyabala×3)
    Some of Lanka's most expensive elite heavy infantry. Sandhyabalas carry a Moon Blade and a buckler but have no helmet. They do have phenomenal stats in turmoil and darkness: Their moon blade will do 32 magic damage with 20 attacks (64 damage vs magic beings!) while they sport an impressive 17 defense. If their enemy also has the darkness penalty, the stat difference can become huge. While very strong, they are much more expensive than other Lankan summons and also more vulnerable to fire (10).
  • Blood 8 blood 55 for 75bloodslave: Summon Danavas ( Danava×3)
    Danava are top tier units which can be turned into commanders with Gift of Reason or Divine Name to gain holy 22random250%
    paths. By default, they have 3 unholy weapons which paralyze sacreds and poor armor with a weak shield. As units, they are relatively cheap anti-elite units. If turned into a commander and kitted properly, they become much more durable and may become super combatant tier.

Demon Commanders

  • Blood 6 blood 44air 11 for 81bloodslave: Summon Dakini air 33death 11blood 33holy 22 ( Dakini×1)
    The Dakini is very competent in the roles of a thug, air mage, or blood mage. As a thug, damage reversal will block and reflect all damage if the enemy fails an MR check, this is notable for both reducing incoming damage and potentially killing high-value targets such as mages. They are also competent sabbath masters.
  • Blood 7 blood 33death 11 for 35bloodslave: Summon Samanishada ( Samanishada×1)
    The Samanishada is a competent assassin having a Moon Blade and a Duskdagger (usually costing 5deathgem10astralpearl to forge) along with a very solid stat melee stat line. Dark power is of special importance if the battle happens at night (50% chance). While quite effective without gear vs simple targets, higher-value targets will often require items to assist in successful assassinations.
  • Blood 8 Cost: 133bloodslave: Summon Mandeha air 33death 33blood 22holy 33 ( Mandeha×1)
    The Mandeha is a super combatant-tier summon with 65 hp, a great stat line (especially in turmoil and darkness), and many SC-supporting abilities. The Mandeha is also excellent at supporting undead and demon armies by auto-casting darkness every fight. Having H3, it is also able to divine blessing large sacred demon armies and claim thrones. It is however vulnerable to anti-demon weapons and spells.

Notable Generic Magic

Magic Items

National Items

  • Construction 4 nature 11 for 5naturegem: Headdress of the Bull
    Grants the user +2 strength and a retinue of one Buffalo. Great on a mage thug as its a cheap item that boosts their damage, and gives them a trampling animal to buy him time for buffing. Also, Buffalos are able to run over any would-be assassin.

Generic Items

  • Construction 4 death 11 for 5deathgem: Amulet of the Dead
    The reanimation boost this item provides makes Lankan priestly reanimation significantly more efficient.


Power Curve

This is probably the most difficult section to get consensus for. Describe how strong the nation is during expansion, the early, mid and late game, and what makes it strong/weak at each of those points. This should give readers an idea of where the weaknesses of a nation lie (if they have not been shown already) and when to take advantage of a nation's strengths.

Expansion Strategies

List some example expansion strategies here. If a strong bless or pretender is required then leave the specifics for the pretender section.

Example Pretender Builds

List some example pretender builds. Try to use the following format to keep authorship and pretender design rationale clear.

See More

lanka-ea.1708184918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/17 15:48 by joste